Guided prayer for relationships in 17 areas, Can prayer strengthen a relationship? Prayer for relationships strengthening, reconciliation prayer for relationships, a prayer for relationships, prayers for couples, prayer for happiness, prayer for relationship strength, relationship prayers for couples, strong prayers, morning prayer for blessings, prayers for blessings and peace, prayer for relationships in trouble, prayer guide, #PrayerGuide #Hopejoyinchrist

Guided Prayer for Relationships in 17 Areas

When you are in a difficult season you need a prayer for relationships. You just need an easy button… something already done for you to get you through the hard parts.

Today I am sharing 17 prayers guided by Scripture to get you started.

How to Use This Guided Prayer For Relationships

An easy button is nice, but let me give you a pro tip. After a while, you will want to create something more specific.


Your relationship is different than mine. My prayers may help, but they won’t be as powerful as your prayers will be when you add the specific details of your life into them!

You will become a prayer warrior when you commit to this plan!

Okay, so for now, this is how to use this guided prayer for relationships.

  1. Make time.
  2. Get a journal.
  3. Write or print the prayers out.

Make Time for Prayer for Relationships

The truth is, I am giving you 14 strong prayers to use to strengthen your relationship. They are researched, written out, and ready to pray. But we all know that what you don’t schedule or make a plan for, doesn’t happen.

You have to make time for prayer. Yes, you have to schedule a prayer for relationships in trouble.

Crazy right?

You would think that if your marriage is in trouble, you would do more praying. But really, you need strategic prayers instead of breath prayers.

Not Just Simple Prayers For Couples

You don’t want your prayer life to be just simple prayers for couples.

Lord help us.

Jesus save him.

God give us strenth.

I’m not discrediting those types of prayers. Nope, I prayed that way for a long time when the seasons were too hectic. But there is more power in Scripture-filled, specific prayers!

Do you want a miracle prayer for your love relationship? Pray Scripture. Pray specifically!

Make time! Make a plan!

Get A Journal

Okay, so you made a plan and set a time to pray! Great job. Now I want you to get a journal.

Why a journal?

When you need miraculous prayers, or when you are searching for a reconciliation prayer for relationships, life is crazy. Your mind is frazzled. You will not remember these prayers. In fact, you may not even remember the page you found them online.

You need to make this so easy you can do it in your sleep. LOL. Actually, many times, when my marriage is struggling and I can’t sleep through the night, a journal keeps me praying instead of worrying!

This is the journal I keep by my bed to make it easier.

Strategic Prayer Journal by Hope Joy in Christ

How to Use a Journal?

For now, you will just write the prayers or print them and put them in the journal.

Later on, when your mind is clearer… when the danger or hardship is less intense, you will use the journal as a Spiritual weapon!

  1. Make a list of every area of sin you know your pattern is struggling with.
  2. Find Bible verses about those areas of sin.
  3. Write those verses out as prayers.



Powerful offensive prayer strategy!

Related Post: How to Create a Prayer Garden in Your Backyard

Do you need a guided prayer for relationships in 17 areas? These prayers are written for you to grab and go! Enjoy! Share on X

Write The Prayers Out

Now, it may seem silly for me to have a section about writing the prayers out. But I know how overwhelming it can feel when you first start this kind of prayer strategy. So I want to make this super simple.

In the prayers below I reference my partner, my husband, and this relationship. As you copy the prayers into the journal, swap that for your partner’s name.

  • If I’ve said he but your partner is a she, swap that.
  • If you are writing prayers for relationships with boyfriend or girlfriend, swap husband.

Where something I said doesn’t apply, leave it out.

If I missed something and it comes to your mind while writing, ADD IT!

You are praying for a relationship with a specific person. Make the prayers specific to your situation.

These are your prayers. Use them as you need them!

Guided prayer for relationships in 17 areas Pinit, Can prayer strengthen a relationship? Prayer for relationships strengthening, reconciliation prayer for relationships, a prayer for relationships, prayers for couples, prayer for happiness, prayer for relationship strength, relationship prayers for couples, strong prayers, morning prayer for blessings, prayers for blessings and peace, prayer for relationships in trouble, prayer guide, #PrayerGuide #Hopejoyinchrist

What is The Best Prayer For A Relationship?

Okay, just one more thing before the prayers. People often worry they will pray wrong. There is no such thing as a wrong prayer.

Prayer is talking to God.

Just talk to Him. Talking to the Lord pleases Him!

Related Post: How to Live Pleasing God: 12 Benefits of Delighting the Lord

Can Prayer Strengthen A Relationship?

Yes! Prayer strengthens everything!

Prayer for relationships strengthening is a huge Google search. In fact, that is how I started writing this article.

It took so long to talk through all the ways to pray for relationship strength that I didn’t have time to give you simple easy prayers!

Would you like to learn how to create your own positive prayers for a stronger relationship? Check out the other half of this piece!

More Prayer for Relationships Strengthening With 33 Bible Verses

What About Reconciliation Prayer for Relationships?

Maybe you are not asking, how do I pray for my new relationship? Maybe you are asking how to make a broken relationship new again.

I’ve been counseling women for nearly 10 years. In that decade I have seen prayer work miracles where the partner had no interest in change, but God changed.

Many were separated but through prayer began to desire to do the hard work of reconciliation.

Disclaimer about Reconciliation.

I just want to be brutally honest here though. Praying for reconciliation is not enough. You can not heal a marriage or relationship alone. It takes two people to break a relationship. It will take both of you to restore it.

Reconciliation requires more than forgiveness and a good attitude. Trust was broken. It will take time and change to repair broken trust.

You will need to set boundaries you both agree too. YOu will need outside accountability to help if one of you breaks those boundaries.

An, “I’m sorry,” is not enough. There has to be change. Believable change, repeated over time to rebuild trust.

I’ve seen God do it!

But I’ve also seen women so thankful he is coming home that they don’t set the boundaries or get the accountability. He doesn’t always want to change as much as he wants to have back what he had before trust was broken.

Do the work. Change and healing is possible.

How To Pray For Someone You Love: 17 Specific Prayers

Now to the Prayers!!!!!!!!!!! A prayer for relationships is simple. Don’t overthink it. Make it personal and stick with your set time to pray. Keep praying until things change!

Areas we will pray through:

  1. Salvation and Spiritual Growth
  2. Sin (make this personal)
  3. For Yourself
  4. Dating relationships
  5. An ungodly spouse
  6. A hurting spouse
  7. To find the root of the problem
  8. For forgiveness
  9. To rebuild trust
  10. For Patience
  11. Prayers for Long distance relationships
  12. Morning prayers for blessings
  13. Gratitude
  14. Protection
  15. Joy
  16. Wisdom
  17. Prayer for blessings and peace

Prayer For Salvation and Spiritual Growth: A Prayer for Relationships

Father God,

You created us all in Your image. You knew we could never live perfectly but would all sin and fall short. My partner has never said yes to You. They are lost. If they died today they would spend eternity separated from You.

But You sent Jesus to make a way for them. He died for their sins. Open their eyes. Soften their hearts. Help them hear Your voice calling. Give me the boldness to speak.

Save Lord. Please. Nothing else matters if this is missing. Fight over my partner.


Pray About Areas of Known Sin

I can’t give you a blanket prayer over sin. Why not? Honestly, I don’t believe simple prayers like God forgive me of all of my sins are enough.

To change, to be sanctified, we have to confess our sins… not that we sin, but how we sin.

You know where you struggle with sin.

Well, maybe you don’t. In this culture, we call sin too many pardoning PC things. If you describe a habit or character trait as:

  • My mess.
  • Just how I was born.
  • Not hurting anyone but me.
  • A guilty pleasure.

Or if there are things you would change in your life if Jesus were standing right beside you 24/7…

Those are areas of sin in your life.

Make a list of them. The prayer can be simple still, but this will be specific.

I suggest you make a list of your partner’s sins as well and pray through them. Wanna bet you can make that list faster?

A Prayer For Yourself

This is a snippet from the Marriage Communication Workshop session 1: Accountability

Lord, you know all the parts of me. You see everything I do at all times. I try to hide the imperfect parts of myself from others, but you see them. You even see the things I can’t see for myself.

So often I try to run from my problems, hide from the pain. No matter where I hide, you find me. There is nowhere Your love and grace and mercy can’t reach.

Why would You love me? I am a hot mess and I have been from the beginning. The Bible says You chose me, called me before I was even born. Still, You were with me before I was born, forming me. You knew then the mess I would be now. How could you see and know and still choose me? It is too much for me to take in and I could never repay such tender mercy.

My heart’s desire is to love You, honor You, and glorify You with my whole life. But I fall short. Your forgiveness and restoration are a marvel to me. Please help me to never take it for granted. Forgive me for the times I do.

I would like to say that ungodly people tempt me to sin and I resist, but that would be a lie. I am a sinner… a saint who still sins. Help me turn away from sin, turn away from the temptation to blame others for my own failures, for my own part. Help me hate sin and choose righteousness.

Search me. Reveal the sin I am blind to in myself. Show me where my thoughts lead to sin. Lead me in Your way so this life honors You. Amen.

Related Resource: 10-Day Marriage Communication Workshop

A Prayer For Dating Relationships

In the other part of this article, I share many Bible verses about the type of partner that lines up with God’s will for your life. As you are searching for a prayer for happiness, I suggest you read and pray through those verses!

Holy Spirit,

I long to walk in Your will. Please show me the next right step. If this relationship is from You, give me peace about how to work through the hard parts.

If this relationship is not from You… not right for me in this season, give me the strength to walk away.


A Prayer for An Ungodly Spouse

Lord Jesus Christ, This relationship is difficult. We don’t see eye to eye, we can’t communicate well, the intimacy is slipping away. My heart is breaking. Forgive me for stepping into this covenant without seeking You… for going against what the Bible clearly teaches is Your Will about marriage.

I long to honor You in this even now. Please fight over us. Please show me how to pray for him and me and us. I need You. I don’t know what to do but I am fixing my eyes on You.

Please bring my partner to a place of saving, life-transforming faith. Please unite our hearts. We long for You to be glorified in this relationship.


Related Post: How To Fight For My Unequally Yoked Marriage

A Prayer For Relationships With a Hurting Spouse

An excerpt from the 30-Day Marriage Devotional is listed below:

Heavenly Father, You know the needs of each and every person who reads this post. You know where their marriage stands right this minute.  Yes, Lord, you see this hurting wife, standing for her marriage alone – but never alone because you are always with her!

Lord, we know that we have to trust You with the ultimate outcome of our marriage and each of us are looking for hope for our marriage today. We know Your Word is faithful; we know that You love us; how we long for hope today. Lord, you are a God who restores and redeems. We read in Isaiah 43 that You have redeemed us and called us by name.

So, Lord, while we look for hope and search for restoration for our marriage, help us to remember that You are our hope. You are our restoration. You have redeemed us! What a wonderful God You are!

In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Related Post: Hope for the Hurting Wife Standing for Your Marriage Alone

Finding the Root of the Struggle: Prayers for Relationships

A huge part of creating a prayer about love for others is dealing with sin. I know we prayed about sin earlier, but it’s a real, big, problem for relationships.

Often we believe our sin only affects us. That is just wrong. My sin impacts everyone around me, especially my family.

We have to pray that the Lord will reveal the sin at the root of the struggle we are facing. And we have to be in a place to agree to change in the areas He reveals!

I’ve written openly about my struggle with several sin areas. There are prayers in these links to help if the Holy Spirit highlights them in you.

A Prayer To Find the Root Cause

Dear Heavenly Father,

You know me and You know my partner. You knit us together in our mother’s womb. Please search out the root of our struggle. We long for a strong relationship. As long as there are broken places that is not possible.

Please bring hope and healing. Show us where we need to talk through hurt. Show us where we need to forgive and be less easily offended.

Reveal my part and help me own it. Reveal his part and help him own it. Help us both stay committed to intentionally investing in this relationship and peace and unity within it.


Related Post: A Wife’s True Story: Knowing The Importance of Forgiveness in Marriage Leads To Blessing

A Prayer for Forgiveness

O Lord,

You have forgiven me all things. All Things. Before I was ever born, You forgave me. You died on the cross to forgive every sin I and anyone else would ever commit. You are Amazing. Faithful. Righteous.

I struggle to forgive small things and You forgave all things. Give me Your strength and sight to forgive and love.

Show us what has been swept under a rug and not really forgiven. Help us forgive easily and often.

Never allow resentment or bitterness to take root in our hearts. Heal the places where it was. Give us supernatural eyes and sensitive spirits to realize what needs to be forgiven daily.


Related Post: Free Bible Study On Forgiveness and Reconciliation: 10 Steps

A Prayer for Relationships To Rebuilt Trust

Precious Father God,

it hurts where he broke my trust. It feels like the wound is still bleeding sometimes. I just want to run and hide. I want to lock my heart up tight and never try again. It is hard to walk in forgiveness when I think about how he broke the trust that we worked so hard to build. Help me want to trust again.

Show us how to establish realistic boundaries. Give us open and honest communication, even where it hurts. Show me when he is not being real. Help me open myself back up to him. Give us power through Your Holy Spirit within us to find the path of change that is real and lasting.

Let this be a part of our testimony that brings You all the glory.


A Prayer for Patience


You are patient and slow to anger. I am not.

There is brokenness in our relationship and it hurts so badly. You promised to be hear the brokenhearted and give us strength.

Help me patiently wait for You to heal what is broken.

Help me look to You when my partner is not enough.

Show me how to be slow to anger but quick to listen and quick to forgive when it is tough.

I want to be more like You and You are patient with me. Please, remind me of that when my impatience and irritability show their ugly heads! Amen

A Prayer for Long-Distance Relationships

Spirit of Truth,

loving my partner well from a distance is hard. I worry. My heart feels lonely. At times we feel disconnected. Intimacy is a challenge.

Please help my prayers be a love language he feels even with oceans between us. Guide my prayers for him to be specific to what he needs in the moment as only You know.

Keep our hearts knit together and guard us against temptation and despair. Be glorified in this relationship.


Morning Prayer for Blessings

Every morning I try to begin by talking to the Lord. In that space, I pray over all those in my closest circle. But also, I ask the Lord to guide me throughout the day. Here is an example of that type of prayer.

Oh Lord, Creator of the Universe,

Thank you for a new day. Thank you for the breath to speak this prayer, the eyes that see the sun streaming in my window, the strength to get out of bed. I ask that You would lead, guide, and direct me throughout this day. Help my feet walk in Your path so that this day is filled with Your blessings.

Open my eyes to see the blessings all around me so I stay grateful. Help me stay sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit so I can adjust as we go and avoid habitual sin.

In all the things that may come about today help my words, thoughts, and actions bring You glory.


Then I begin praying blessings over my partner and kids. These are the areas I pray over:

  • Gratitude
  • Protection
  • Joy
  • Wisdom
  • Blessings and peace

A Prayer of Gratitude

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for my husband. He is a gift in many ways. Help me remember them when I am tempted to remember his faults. Thank you that he is still here instead of leaving us.

Thank you that he shows his love his way. I am grateful that he hugs me. Thank you that he listen when I talk. Thank you that he calls me most days.

He loves our children his way and keeps trying, thanks. Thank you for saving him. You have made every difference in this marriage. Let me see that when I want to complain.


A Prayer of Protection

Sweet Jesus,

You are a protection against every evil and every attack. I ask You to protect his mind from the repeating phrases that threaten his mental health. Remind him of who he is in you when the enemy begins to attack.

Remind him how far he’s grown when he sees his failures. Show him that You are his rock and will hold him secure when life is tossing him about.

Hedge him in wherever he travels. Protect his body, heart, soul and mind.


A Prayer of Joy

Wonderful Counselor,

You promise the Joy of the Lord for our strength. Cloth my husband in Your joy even when it makes no sense. Give Him beauty for ashes, grace, and peace in every situation.

Keep him praising You as he goes through his day!


A Prayer of Wisdom

Creator God,

You promise to give us wisdom when we ask. You are all wisdom and knowledge.

Please give my husband supernatural wisdom as he goes through his day. Help him to weigh his choices and not act or speak rashly. As he makes decisions help him ask You first and wait to act until You answer.

Draw him nearer to You and teach him to hear Your voice.


Prayers for Blessings and Peace

Of all of these prayers for relationships, this one is an easy one to pray together… weather in the morning or another time.

Great Light of the World,

I pray for blessings over my loved one. Bless him and keep him. Turn your face toward him and give him Your perfect peace.

As His mind races with fear, disappointment, and uncertainty, point it back to Your Word. Keep His mind fixed on You, on what is true, pure, kind, lovely, noble, excellent, and praiseworthy. Remind him to take every thought captive and think on those things so Your perfect peace will keep him in all his ways.


Which of The 17 Areas of Guided Prayer for Relationships Will You Start With?

Relationships can be tough at times but prayer changes everything! These 17 relationship prayers for couples can help you get started.

Use it as a guided prayer for relationships when you don’t have the brain space or emotional strength to create a specific strategic prayer plan. Use them to get you through until you are ready for the 2nd part of this series.

When you are ready to make the prayers more specific, check out More Prayer for Relationships Strengthening With 33 Bible Verses to help you create your offensive prayer play!

in HIS love,

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Tiffany Montgomery

Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children.  Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.