There is no end to the marriage resources available today. The problem is finding the ones that work, that have real solid Biblical marriage principles laid out in a way that is easy to understand and apply to your specific marriage. I get it! As a real Christian wife who has been through several hard seasons, I can relate to the frustration. So today I want to share the best Christian Marriage Resources that real Christian wives approve and use – I use them or know and trust the authors.
Marriage Resources That Real Christian Wives Approve and Use
What is more helpful? A thick theology book spouting theoretical ideology or a smaller ebook written from the heart of a godly wife who has walked through the trenches of a difficult marriage?
I’d take the e-Book any day, though I’ve read many of the thick ones over the years with little results.
One of the reasons I write on the topic “Marriage advice for wife” is that it takes a wife to speak to the heart of a hurting wife.
Many books promise to fix your marriage in 30-days, increase intimacy in 30-days and so much more but fall short of the promise. So I’ve gathered amazing marriage resources in this list that REALLY work to help in specific areas of marriage.
What criteria did I use to compile the list?
- Does it teach sound Biblical Marriage Principles?
- Is it mostly a common language and easy to understand?
- Are there practical tips that you can actually apply today?
And because we are not all big on reading I have compiled a variety of marriage resources:
- Books on Marriage Topics of all sorts
- Marriage workbooks for couples
- Devotionals for wives
- Devotionals for couples
- Online courses for marriage / Marriage Conferences
- Printables to help you be intentional with marriage
- Marriage small group studies DVDs
- Marriage enrichment topics
- Helpful marriage articles
- Ideas on how to have more fun with your husband
- Movies to inspire a healthy marriage
- Resources for Christian Women to grow in faith
Free Christian Marriage Resources
Maybe you are like me (maybe not), but I need what’s free or cheap first because our life has to fit into a budget. That is why I love creating and sharing Christian marriage resources with you. And as a perk of being a content creator, I get to know other creators and can share their free resources as well.
So as we begin our list of amazing marriage resources I will share the free ones first!
Free Marriage Resources from Hope Joy in Christ
As a valuable member of the Hope Joy in Christ community, you can have Free access to a resource library of over 40 Free Faith printables, prayer plans, e-Books, and more.
In the category of marriage are:
- Hope for Marriage Printable Verse Cards
- Reclaim Hope and Joy in Your Marriage ebook
- Verses to Pray over Marriage
- Words of Affirmation Prompts
- Date Night Check List
- Marriage Evaluation Worksheet
- God is Romantic Devotional
- Hope for Marriage ebook
Gain access to all these and more by signing up below!
Amazing Books on Marriage Topics
Most of the time I hesitate to talk to people about the real problems in my marriage. I will, however, google the problem, find a book about it, and try to fix things that way. Can you relate? The problem is that there are just soooo many books on marriage and it’s hard to decide if they are biblically accurate.
If you learn through reading, these are amazing books on Marriage topics of all sorts to help you grow. I’ve read them or been recommended them. Each is written by real Christian wives who I trust to know what is Biblical and what is fluff or cultural garbage. Enjoy 😉 !
Boundaries in Marriage by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
Healing is a Choice by Stephen Arterburn
The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires, The Respect He Desperately Needs
Biblical Boundaries Workbook by Cherith Peters
The Financial Peace Planner: A Step-by-Step Guide to Restoring Your Family’s Financial Health by Dave Ramsey
Marriage Resources – Workbooks For Couples
If both husband and wife are longing to grow together, a workbook for couples is a great way to begin! Check out these easy-to-use Marriage workbooks for couples! A great marriage resource for Christian women!
Fierce Marriage workbook for couples by Ryan and Selena Frederick
The Love Dare from the movie Fire Proof
Marriage On the Rock: Couples workbook
The Art of Marriage Couples Study
Love & Respect: Workbook for Couples
All the tools you learn in the Love and Respect book but with DVD-guided discussion and workbooks to help you work together. |
Naked and Not Afraid Intimacy Guide by Andre and Timberley Gray
Resources For Dealing With Sexual Issues
There isn’t a great place to put this, but in our world, there is a real enemy who has worked hard to distort the beautiful gift God gave us of sexual intimacy. If you are dealing with pornography issues or other sexual issues in your marriage you are not alone. In fact, the issue is so big I’ve created a separate list of resources to help.
27 Resources to Overcome Pornography From a Real Wife
Devotionals For Wives
Are you a Christian Wife fighting for your marriage alone? Or even a wife whose husband is just not into reading or Bible study? No worries, there are marriage resources for you as well!
God honors the wife who is striving to do Marriage God’s Way! Here are some devotionals to help you get started!!!!!
Hope for the Hurting Wife by Becky Hallberg and Jen Stults
The Power of a Praying Wife by Stromie Omartian
Lies Women Believe by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Devotionals for Couples
When you as a couple are trying to grow your spiritual intimacy a devotional for couples can be an amazing set of Christian marriage resources!
Wife After God / Husband After God by Aaron and Jennifer Smith
31 Days of Prayer for My Wife / 31 Days of Prayer for My Husband by Aaron and Jennifer Smith
Fierce Marriage Curriculum Kit by Ryan and Selena Frederick
Love and War: Devotionals for Couples by John and Stasi Eldredge
Online Courses/ Conferences to Help your Marriage Grow
Maybe reading isn’t your thing and you are too nervous about going to a marriage class. Honestly, I get that too. It’s so hard to share the real facts when Marriage is hard and to get the help you need.
Have you considered an online class or e-Course on Marriage? Here are a few marriage resources like that to check out!
FREE Joy in Marriage Conference
Meet 9 real wives who have faced many difficulties in marriage and come through shining God’s love and grace. This is a free video-led conference with worksheets and printables to help you grow! |
Finding Hope and Joy in My Marriage – a 9-week Marriage Bible Study for wives
10 Simple Marriage Communication Exercises to Help You Reconnect Now
See also Courses by Woman of Noble Character
Making Sense of Boundaries when Separated
Are you separated and fighting for your marriage? Are you getting all kinds of advice from every direction? Beth Kelly, writer at Blogging for Her, is a Certified Biblical Life Coach & Marriage Breakthrough Coach, and creator of Making Sense of Boundaries When Separated. Making Sense of Boundaries When Separated was designed to teach wives how to create healthy boundaries when separated that promote reconciliation. |
Printables to Help Your Marriage Grow
As you strive to grow a healthy marriage it can be helpful to have marriage resources that are easy to print, use and reuse. These are printables that help me and I know they will bless you as well.
Words of Affirmation
Words of affirmation go a long way – Find 30 starters here.
Our words have the power to bring life or death in a Christian Marriage. It can be hard to find the right words to encourage our Husband. It’s easy to point out the negative, but sometimes we need a little help finding the words to build him up.
This printable pack covers every area of a man’s life. There is a card for each week of the year.
Marriage Enrichment Topics
I just had to add in links to helpful marriage articles. These are some great marriage articles from others that are literally “Marriage advice for wife by wives”!
- Peace in My Marriage
- Encouragement for the Wife who Decided to Stay
- When You Have to Be the First to Say “I’m Sorry” To Your Husband
- Love in Marriage
- Respect in Marriage
- Forgiveness in Marriage
- Communication in Marriage
- Submission in Marriage
- Sex in Marriage
- Prayer for Marriage
- Joy in Marriage
- Hope in Marriage
Movies That Inspire a Healthy Marriage
Sometimes you just need to fix a bag of popcorn, cuddle on the couch, and be inspired. You can find great encouragement from these Christian movies!
Growing Spiritual Disciplines will Grow your Marriage
And finally, remember that a healthy marriage starts with a healthy you. When you are growing Spiritually, you will usually find your marriage growing. Some ways to grow spiritually:
- Check out the Strategic Prayer Journal
- Bible Journaling to keep your Bible study fresh
- More Resources for Christian Women
Which of these Christian Marriage Resources Will You Check Out Today?
As Christian wives, we need Christian marriage resources that work! These are my top picks but I’d love to know if there are any you love that I missed. Comment below so we can find them!
More helpful marriage advice can be found in these articles: