When couples struggle with communication, the relationship suffers. There are 11 common barriers to communication in marriage (and 6 that are not talked about but are critical!). Not only are they common, but they are also simple to correct! Yeah!!!!!!! What Are Barriers To Communication? When I talk about barriers to communication in marriage there […]
Tag: Marriage Communication Workshop
Effective communication in Marriage is key for a Successful Marriage. Learn how to fix communication problems, communicate better and improve your Marriage.
9 Steps How To Use I Statements in Marriage With Examples
Why do we need to know how to use I statements in marriage competently? There are seasons in marriage that provoke us to use toxic words, words that destroy the lines of communication. Learning to use I statements shifts the tension by avoiding blame, shame, or guilt. I statements can keep the conversation open and […]
15 Simple Ways To Show Respect in Marriage
Do you ever feel like your husband has completely shut down and shut you out? No matter what you say, or how you say it he’s not hearing anything. To fix this, I had to learn to show respect in ways he understands. What Does It Mean To Show Respect In Marriage? That was our […]
How to Stop Being Defensive in Marriage: Tips To Be Playful
How long has it been since words like playful, flirtatious, and fun best described your Christian marriage? The pressures, responsibilities, and burdens of life tend to steal our joy and that is dangerous to a successful marriage. When you are married with children there is even more stress at work to steal the fun parts […]
How to Be Slow To Speak Quick To Listen in Marriage
Do you ever feel like you have lost your voice? Or like you say so much but no one is listening? I was stuck in that place. I was sure my husband didn’t care, would never listen, and could never change. Then God began teaching me how to be slow to speak in my marriage. […]
How To Pray for Your Husband: 8 Ways and 55 Prayers (PDF)
Is there something destroying your Christian marriage? Tearing down lines of communication and distancing intimacy? Me too! Turns out, prayer is a big part of fixing all of that. Big. Huge. Un-quantifiably important. But when you think about how to improve communication in a relationship, prayer doesn’t feel like it’s the point! Today we will […]
14 Powerful Ways to Change Negative Thinking in Marriage
Since we understand that our thoughts become words that become actions, we need to make a change. But just the word change gets anxious and I instinctively resist. When we understand the power of our negative thinking we must begin the hard work to change the patterns that make it our default in marriage. Today we […]
Thoughts Become Words in Marriage: How To Understand
We want to communicate lovingly, effectively, and honestly in marriage. Improving communication, however, depends on the way we understand communication, and all too often we skip that step. Today we are taking a pit stop at the intersection of words and thoughts. Why? Thoughts become words. What Does Your Thoughts Become Words Mean? Our words […]
17 Ways To Kill Expectations in a Relationship and Accept Your Spouse
Raise your hand if you have ever tried to change your spouse. Oh, you can’t see me, but my hand is up too. Today we are going to address how to improve communication in marriage by learning to accept your spouse as they are right now. This is all about dealing with expectations in a […]
How To Use Accountability Vs Blame in Relationships for Communication
How do you improve communication in marriage? It’s a question I’ve asked for years with no good answer. In the midst of discovering the barriers to effective communication in a Christian marriage, I’ve struck on one hard theme over and over; accountability vs blame in relationships. Why Start With Accountability Vs Blame in Relationships? Bud […]