As Believers in Jesus Christ, we have access to our Lord through prayer day and night. It is critical for our Spiritual growth that we learn how to pray powerful, effective prayers! Your prayer life matters!!!!!!!
Avoid a Wasted Christian Prayer Life
The more I teach and counsel Christians the more I am convinced we have missed something huge in our faith journey. Prayer.
We think of prayer as a passive activity. Something to do before meals, at bedtime, or in times of crisis.
We are missing the point!
What does having a prayer life mean?
Prayer is talking with God. Communicating with the ONE Who knows all the things and wants a relationship with us.
Prayer is powerful!
Don’t waste your prayer life!
Learn how to Abide in Prayer like Jesus.
What is a Good Prayer Life?
A good prayer life. We want that. What is a good prayer life?
- A good prayer life is about learning How to Become a Strong Prayer Warrior and Why
- How to Pray For Myself And Thrive – how to develop a consistent prayer life!
- And How to Create a Highly Effective Prayer Life even if you are saying, “My prayer life is weak right now.”
What Does The Bible Say About Prayer Life?
Once you have established a normal prayer time, daily talking with the Lord, then you can take things up a notch! The Bible tells us to pray. It also says the enemy has a plan! So we need a plan.
Not only does the enemy have a plan, he is actively fighting against you. So you need to learn how to be prepared for the attacks. Prayer is the key to that!
- Fight the enemy for your thoughts!
- Think of yourself as a Disciple of Christ (acting out Scripture) rather than a Christian who just sits in a pew!
- Fight for unity and personal revival to see real change.
- Remember that God provides
- Know what to do when God seems silent
Pray Beyond Your Own Life
Often I get stuck in a prayer rut. I pray for myself, my family, and our friends and that’s it.
But we are called to pray for the nations! We are called to be a people of prayer.
Ephesians 6 lists prayer as a weapon against a real enemy. We have to pray beyond our own lives.
- Learn How To Pray Boldly (beyond your little circle) To Fight The Real Spiritual Battle!
- Pray for your country, and for the leaders in your country.
- Priscilla Shirer’s book Fervant is a great resource for praying big bold prayers.
- Pray these 40 Encouraging Bible Verses About Choices and Making Wise Decisions for our leaders
Fasting and Prayer
We are also called, repeatedly throughout Scripture, to fast and pray. A time of fasting is a powerful way to amp up our prayer life. Prayer and fasting help us grow in faith, maturing into believers who are fighting the real battle ragging in the Spiritual realm all around us.
Learn more about fasting and prayer here ~> 15 Steps To Fast and Pray For God: A Free Beginners Guide
Practice fasting with this 40 Day Fast Guide: Be Still and Know God More
FAQ About Prayer and Fasting
Still not sure fasting is right for you to grow your prayer life?
Let’s look at some frequently asked questions about prayer and fasting from the Hope Joy In Christ community:
- What Are The Benefits of Fasting and Prayer?
- Are there different types of fasting in the Bible (spiritual fasting)?
- 5 Reasons to Fast and Pray for God
- What are fasting and prayer scriptures?
- What can you Expect in a Time of Fasting?
- Are there Types of Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough?
- Can I try a fast from Social Media?
Or check out my short book as a beginner’s guide!
Powerful Prayer Strategies
Praying consistently is important to grow your prayer life. However, once you have that Spiritual discipline down I highly recommend adding some prayer strategies to your life.
Prayer strategies like prayer with fasting can help you find breakthroughs in amazing ways!
Pray Scripture
One reason is filled with lists of Scripture verses is that praying God’s Word is a powerful prayer strategy. If it is in God’s Word (in context), it is in His Will. And God tells us that we can ask anything according to His will and it will be done for us!
Some lists to help you add Scripture to your prayer life:
- How to Pray Effectively over Lust
- Pray over Disrespect Issues
- 10 Things to Pray About Gambling
- Pray a Proverbs 31 Prayer to Change Your Life
- 65 Bible Verses About Prayer That Will Change Your Life
- Psalm 139 Prayed Over My Life For Accountability
- 27 Fasting and Prayer Scriptures for Spiritual Breakthrough
- Powerful War Room Prayers for Spiritual Battle
- 46 Powerful Bible Verses About Suicide To Bring Hope
Prayer Journals and Other Resources
After fasting and adding Scripture to your prayer life, using a prayer journal is high on my list. A prayer journal can be any notebook you have in the house.
However, my favorite prayer journals are those with Scripture in them that I can pull from.
Here are 2 prayer journals I love:
The HJIC Strategic Prayer Journal
Let Go And Let God Prayer Bundle
See my full list of Prayer Resources!
Spiritual Growth Help
Want to mature in your faith walk? Check out the resources at this link!
Praying Scriptures For Your Marriage
Of course, Hope Joy In Christ is primarily a website designed to help marriages thrive. As the focus, there are tons of Scripture lists to help you pray Scripture powerfully over your marriage!
Here are some to get you started:
- How to Begin to Pray in a Difficult Marriage
- Verses to Fight For My Unequally Yoked Marriage
- Scripture to pray for My Husbands Relationships
- 10 Things to Pray About Gambling in a Christian Marriage
- Praying over 3 Ways NOT to be a Proverbs 31 Wife
- 17 Simple Prayers for Marriages in Trouble
- 19 Encouraging Bible Verses for a Troubled Marriage
- How to Create a Covenant Prayer for Marriage Protection
- How To Pray for Your Husband: 8 Ways and 55 Prayers (PDF)
Prayer Resources For Marriage
And I have to share a few prayer resources for marriage that I LOVE
- Stromie Omartian’s The Power of A Praying Wife is a must.
There is also a need to understand healthy boundaries in marriage. I recommend the Biblical Boundaries Workbook by Cherith Peters as a great resource to pray through for your relationship.
Lastly, the 9-Week Marriage Bible Study: Finding Hope and Joy in My Marriage sets aside time each day to create a guided prayer strategy for your individual marriage! Check it out!
Christian Marriage Resources In General
If you want to intentionally invest in your marriage, check out this page!
More Coming Soon To Grow Your Prayer Life
Every week, new resources, Scriptures, and stories are added to the site to help you grow your prayer life. A growing prayer life is a key to Spiritual growth, and maturing in your faith walk!
Prayer is also a key strategy for a healthy thriving marriage. One way I keep hope and joy in Christ no matter what is happening around me is to pray. Staying connected to the One who can change everything… changes everything!
in HIS love,
Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children. Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.