
Hope Joy in Christ was launched in 2016 as a safe place for Christian women to find help to grow in faith.  This is also a place where Christian wives will find hope, help, and community while learning Biblical principles to have a successful marriage.

Is Hope Joy in Christ the Right Community For You?

Are you a Christian woman? 

Have you been looking for practical tools to help you grow in faith instead of religious guilt this is the right place for you?

You will find Help to Grow in Faith through Anxiety at Hope Joy in Christ 

As Christian women living in a secular world, we need tools and encouragement to stay the course of Biblical Discipleship.  Hope joy In Christ is a place that offers practical resources to help us make Discipleship an easy reality!  We also need Help to Overcome Anxiety and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.  That is the mission of my life and I love encouraging Christian Women struggling with Anxiety.

You will love this Free Devotional Series on Psalm 46:10 Be Still and know that I am God.

Are you, like so many Christian Wives, struggling in this season of Marriage?

You will find Biblical Marriage Advice at Hope Joy In Christ

Christian Marriage is under attack like never before.  When the enemy gets a foothold inside a Christian Marriage he takes down Two for the price of One and often several generations are tainted by the pain.  This site is a place for Marriage Mentoring through practical Biblical Principles.  You will find tools and How-tos to get our hands dirty fixing your Marriage!

Have you lost Hope in your Marriage and forgotten the Joy it once was?  I’d love to Give you a 31 Day Marriage Bible Study To Help Reclaim Hope in your Christian Marriage! 

We’de love to have you join into our growing engaged Facebook Community – Christian Wives Choosing Hope and Joy in Every Season.

Meet Tiffany of Hope Joy In Christ

Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ .com

I’m Tiffany, a Jesus Girl who needs coffee to get started each day.  Bud and I have been married since 2004 and I Homeschool our two little girls while Nannying (all as a Stay at Home Mom with no homemaking skills).

Those are the highlights, but I try to live life with the mask off… no pretense to perfection… so let’s be real

Bud is my 2nd husband and our Marriage nearly failed.  But for the grace of God, I would be a divorced mom today.  God brought Bud and me through some crazy hard seasons.  There were days so dark my only prayer was “God, Save my Marriage.”

At 25 I was planning my 2nd divorce, living on 2 hours of sleep a night because of the anxiety and so spiritually dry I wondered if God really loved me at all.

Can you relate?

All of our stories are different, but so often parts overlap which is why we need each other, sweet sister.

God stepped in and changed everything in my life.  It started with a good Mentor and a lot of prayers.  The end result is a successful marriage, anxiety relief and a flood of grace in my walk with God today despite living with an Auto Immune Disease (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis), PTSD, and raising a child with Autism all while living on one income.  Whew!

Today I can Choose Hope and Joy in Christ through every season and I believe you can too!

What can happen when you ask for help, grow and tell your story?

Well, watch out, God might ask you to Mentor others or even start a Faith Blog 😉 That’s how Hope Joy In Christ really got started.  God changed my life and now it is my joy to share those secrets with other Christian Women – like you.

Do you know someone else who could use a safe place to grow and connect?  Share this with them!

I just found a safe place to grow in faith! Come over and choose Hope and Joy in Christ no matter what season of life you are in. Share on X

Ecclesiastes 4:12 And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.

To read about my personal testimony follow this link on Why I Moved from Christian to Disciple.  In it is my story of Forgiveness.  I’d love to share it with you here!

in Him,

P. S. Hope Joy in Christ hosts a Yearly Online Marriage Event – check it out!

Jesus Girl’s love to have fun!  So why not party – online?!?!?!?  This Yearly Online Marriage Conference is focused on growing our Christian Marriage and Faith.  I coordinate with 30+ Women’s Ministry Leaders, Marriage Ministries, and more to bring:

  • Daily Articles with practical Tips and Tools to Grow our Marriage
  • Awareness of Resources that will Grow our Christian Marriage
  • Free Printables to help apply each Session
  • Video Teaching and Encouragement
  • Giveaways to bless Families and Women’s lives
  • A Growing Engaged Online Community to talk through the real things we all struggle with

If you are a Wife in need of Encouragement and practical resources keep an eye out for the event this year (Details coming soon).

Sharing is Caring!