Start here, welcome to the Hope Joy in Christ community where Christian women find practical help to grow in faith and thrive in marriage!

Start Here

Who Is Hope Joy In Christ For?

Welcome! I’m Tiffany, the author at Hope Joy In Christ. My passion is helping you grow in faith and thrive in marriage.

  • Do you feel stuck in your faith walk?
  • Are you struggling to forgive all the things?
  • Do you feel dry, stale, unsure how to hear from God and know His will?
  • How is your marriage?
  • Are you struggling to connect and feel joy?
  • Have you faced so many challenges that hope is all but lost?

You are in the right place!

We ALL face challenges in our faith walk! But when we ask questions and seek HIS face we begin to grow and thrive with hope and joy in Christ! Start here

What Will You Find at HopeJoyinChrist?

How do you grow in faith and thrive in marriage? I believe we need a whole lot of Jesus, a good understanding of the Bible, and REAL PRACTICAL TOOLS to keep moving.

Hope Joy in Christ is a place where you will find:

  • Practical advice
  • How-To Articles
  • Workshops
  • Challenges
  • Courses/classes
  • Books
  • Bible studies
  • Checklists

All that and many other tools that real people like YOU can use. Tools that anyone in any season can use to grow in faith.

Basic Faith Tools – Start Here

Here at Hope Joy In Christ, we believe that growing in faith requires a focus on the basics… but then moving into the next step.

Bible study and prayer are the first steps to growing in faith. Once you have established those practices you can begin getting unstuck in specific areas!

Tools To Get Unstuck in Faith

Did you know that most of us get stuck in our faith walk in the same areas?

Marriage Resources

Hope Joy in Christ began as a place to help Christian wives move from barely surviving in marriage to thriving with hope and joy. The truth is, we can’t thrive in marriage and fix the problems in that relationship if we are not also growing in faith.

Growing in faith is key! So focus on the skills we talked about above first… then come into the specific areas of concern for your marriage for the best results.

Free Stuff

I am a stay-at-home mom. Our family lives on a single income. So I understand that price can get in the way of growth at times. That is why most of the tools shared on this site are free!

Check out the FREE Joy in Marriage Workshop ~>

These phone wallpapers are my gift to you! Download the Orange Isaiah 26:3 wallpaper here

Download the Purple Isaiah 26:3 wallpaper here

To access more free printables, you do need to join the community…

Join The Community

Why join the community?

  • Tons of free content in the community library.
  • Weekly emails with content not shared on the site.
  • First looks at new content and tools.
  • Access to my for prayer and answered questions along the journey!

The Hope Joy in Christ community is an amazingly accepting and supportive place. You will love connecting there!

Anytime you see this form you can join and get the free thing plus everything else in the library!

Start Here To Connect With HopeJoy (aka Tiffany)

Want to connect? I am on social media all over but am most active on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. I’d love to connect with you and chat about life there!

Join the Private Group

Are you a Christian wife looking for encouragement and a like-minded community to help support you in this journey?

Marriage can be hard. Challenges come up and knock us down often. It is easy to drift from God’s way of doing marriage when we are surrounded by the world and its views. That is why I created the wives-only FB group.

Come join a thriving group of women who desire to do life God’s way. Find encouragement, prayer support, and hope in this beautiful group!

Resources To Help You Grow: Start Here

Along with the articles, e-books, checklists, and challenges to help you grow in faith and thrive in marriage, Hope Joy In Christ has many resources that can take you deeper in your walk!

Check out the shop and use this discount code as a way of saying thank you for being a part of this beautiful community!

Discount Code: WelcomeGift

Strategic Prayer Journal

Finding Hope and Joy in My Marriage Online Marriage Course for Wives Only PinIt ( #findinghopeandjoyinmymarriage #ChristianMarriage #ChristianMarriageadvice #BiblicalMarriage #Relationshipadvice #ChristianLiving #HopeinMarriage )
9-Week Marriage Bible Study for Wives Only

Joy Bible Journaling starter Kit Sq, Bible journaling for beginners, Bible journaling scripture study, Bible jounrnaling printables #BibleJournaling #HopeJoyinChrist
Bible Journaling Tool Kit for Beginners

I can’t wait to connect with you soon!

More About Hope Joy in Christ

Want to learn more about Hope Joy in Christ, my personal testimony? Check out the About Me page for those details…

in HIS love,

PS. I love introducing the Hope Joy in Christ community to other writers and content creators. Here are some great places I hang out and write sometimes as well!