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How to Start Bible Journaling Cheap with Every Day Things

Have you thought about Bible Journaling but said no because it looks hard and expensive?   Those were Two of the main reasons it took so long for me to jump on board with Bible Journaling.  When I finally jumped in, I had to find ways to Start Bible Journaling Cheap.  I am so excited to show you how you can join me with every day Things you already have around the house.

What is Bible Journaling?

When I first saw people talking about and demonstrating Bible Journaling I was a little put-off.  Are you supposed to color in a bible?  Is that sacrilegious?  It really struck me as a trend that was just not for me.

Enter children and a desperate need to help them understand and apply what they were studying in the Bible.

If you have children you know they love to color.  Giving them a page to color while you read them a Bible Story is a great way to hold their attention and help them apply and understand what they are listening to.  I regularly scour the web to find pictures to go with the verse they are learning AWANA or in our Homeschool curriculum.

WHY does coloring help them apply scripture?  It ties into their creativity and it usually pulls out the main point of the passage and lets them focus on that rather than all the details.

Bible Journaling is the process of illustrating the key points or main takeaways from a passage.  

How to Start Bible Journaling Cheap with Every Day Things 30 Days of JoyBible Journaling Tool Kit FB #BibleJournaling #IllustratedFaith #BibleJournalingForBeginners #BibleJournalingIdeas #BibleJournalingSupplies

Why would want to Start Bible Journaling?

Do you ever struggle to remember what you read in your quiet time?  I do – all the time.  By the time I am laying down for bed, I can’t remember what I read that morning.  It is so frustrating and it has been my reason for giving up on Quiet Times in the past.  Can you relate?  

When I started Bible Journaling two years ago I noticed I could better remember what my quiet time was about all day.  Something about coloring or drawing or painting through the main point of the passage helped it stick in my brain longer.

That made a believer out of me.  Now I regularly read through a passage Monday and re-read parts of it all week until I understand the main point.  When I have that main point I will create something to artistic (LOL I am not creative – my doodles are simplistic but mean a lot to me).  Those images stick in my mind making Bible Journaling a habit that has value for my relationship with God.

My Problem: Bible Journaling can become Expensive

We live on one income so I had to find a way to Start Bible Journaling Cheap with everyday things we already had around the house.  Below is a list of are my Best Supplies – and  we either already had them or they were cheap from the Dollar Store.

1. A Bible you don’t care about

How many bibles do you have lying around the house?  We have no less than 20 Bibles.  Some new.  Some old.  I love studying out of various translations, but now that Bible Gateway is in my life I can read online!  So these bibles rarely get used.

As I started Bible Journaling I would study from one bible, and Journal in another.  Why?  Because I messed up a lot and didn’t want anyone to see what was between me and God.  I know I know – it’s between me and God so it shouldn’t matter.  But I am a Bible Study teacher and people see my bible.  I was super self conscious in the beginning.  And really, this IS between me and God – so who cares which Bible I use?

So as you Start Bible Journaling you may prefer to start in a Bible you don’t use regularly.  You do you – be happy with what it is between you and God – and ignore all the fancy pics on IG!

2. Colored pencils

As a mom, a homeschool mom no less, we have more colored pencils than I can count.  If you are not in that situation, you can pick up a pack at the Dollar Store for $2.  This is an easy cheap supply.

The only thing I will add to this is you have to work with the colors you have.  Sometime after I chose to start Bible Journaling I really wanted some different colors.  I love this Artist’s Choice set with so many color variations.  If you live on a budget like me, it could go on a holiday wish list or you could save up for it over time.

3.  A Bible Reading Plan

Okay, this may seem obvious, but you need a plan for what to read to keep on track with any Quiet Time.  There are a zillion Bible Reading Plans you can find.  I prefer to read through a topic or a book of the Bible each month.

If you are looking for a great topic, Consider Joy.  Joy has been the word God is pressing into my life this year.  Check out what that’s looked like here at How To Cling to The Joy of The Lord Every Day!

I’d love to give you a Free 30 day’s of Joy Reading Plan to help you focus on Him this month.

4. Some kind of Organization

Over time after you start Bible Journaling you will realize you’ve accumulated a lot of stuff.  I don’t know how it happens really.  We’ll be out at Target and I’ll see some stamps marked down or cute Washi Tape marked down and it will end up in my collection.

You will want a bag or bin just for your Bible Journaling stuff to keep it all together (or to let the kids know what is off limits).  I repurposed an old bag I wasn’t using anymore and loved that for a quite a while!

DaySpring has some amazing tools, kits and organization ideas.  Check them out here!

Illustrating Bible

5. A Schedule

Okay, so this is not something you can buy… but it is critical if you are going to have a lasting quiet time with God.  Illustrated faith through Bible Journaling or any kind quiet time won’t happen unless you make it a priority.  Put it on the calendar.  Make an appointment with God.  Keep it and watch your relationship grow!

6. A Bible Journaling Tool Kit

If you just need a jump start along this path of Illustrated Faith I highly recommend a Bible Journaling Tool Kit.  When I chose to Stat Bible Journaling I started out with the Trust in the Lord Bible Journaling Kit from The Holy Mess.  It was full of doodle ideas, margin strips, and calligraphy practice sheets.

I loved that Kit!  It really helped me learn the skills to do more on my own.

This year I realized I could create my own doodle sheets and coloring pages (with the skills I’ve learned creating this blog for you).  So I pulled everything I’ve been studying about Joy into this:

30 Days of Joy Bible Journaling Tool Kit

What’s included in the Kit?

  • A 30 Day Reading plan
  • Journaling prompts
  • 3 Pages of Doodling templates
  • 1 sheet of margin strips
  • 1 sheet of Bible Verse Cards
  • Detailed Instructions about how to Get started Bible Journaling

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What is the Take-Away?

You can start Bible Journaling today with things you already have around the house.  Make a plan, set it on the schedule, gather a few tools and meet with God today!

What are some questions you have about Bible Journaling?  Are there other tools you feel are Must Have?  I’d love to chat in the Comments below!

in HIM,


Sharing is Caring!

Tiffany Montgomery

Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children.  Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.

15 thoughts to “How to Start Bible Journaling Cheap with Every Day Things”

  1. Thanks for sharing your creative ideas! I don’t think Bible Journaling is for me but I do keep a prayer journal and study journal separate from my Bible…I’ve never thought of “doodling.” Like you I’m no artist but I might be willing to try!

  2. a very interesting read I hope you did not mind me joining as a pastor/as I see it as a good read.

  3. This is a fantastic list, Tiffany! I have a basket I use for all my Bible study stuff. It makes carrying it to and from my picnic table in the backyard super easy.

  4. I do bible journal and I also have a separate bible just for it. I bought a bible with space around the margins and what I do is my daily bible reading is done in another bible because I have a read so much a day one. But when I STUDY the bible whether it’s with an online video, online study or a book study I pull out my bible journaling bible and work on it then. I do agree though that Instagram shots can make you feel like you aren’t artsy enough and that’s not the point. I stop looking for them on purpose now and just do what I like. Great introduction.

  5. I’ve been thinking of jumping into Bible journaling as well. Thank you for all of these tips to get started! It’s good to know that I don’t have to spend a ton of money for it, as we live on one income as well!

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