Sex in a Christian marriage is a very uncomfortable subject. Why is it so difficult to talk about something that was created by God and is completely amazing? Sin. The enemy has hijacked this beautiful gift from God and twisted it so much that we can’t even talk about it. No more. Today we will […]
Tag: Sex
God’s design for sex is the opposite of culture. Find God’s design for sex in Marriage and learn how to raise godly children who value purity.
15 Biblical Expectations In Marriage: 8 Ways To Find Hope and Healing
Expectations in marriage kill love. In my mind, I know that. 100% true. In my heart, however, I don’t believe it is possible to live without expectations. The struggle with what I expect in marriage… in a Christian marriage… is at the heart of some of our more hopeless struggles. Who else? What Does the […]
Facing Unmet Needs: God Will Provide All Your Needs
What can you do when you have unmet needs in marriage? Does the promise that God will provide all your needs apply in this area? A Struggle With The Thought: God Will Provide All Your Needs Anytime there has been a need in my life, well-meaning Christians repeatedly remind me of a truth, “God will […]
My Husband is Driving Me Crazy at Home – 60 Simple Ways to Help
What do you do when, unexpectedly, you are couped up with your husband 24/7? Whether your marriage is healthy and happy or in a difficult season, that much time together can put stress on the relationship. Here are 60 simple ways to help when my husband is driving me crazy at home! These tactics work […]
What Is A Help Meet in The Bible: 4 Ways How To Have Joy
Today we will look at how to be a helpmeet by better understanding help meet in the Bible. Who else ranks that word helpmeet or help mate about like submission? Ug… I’d rather pass if I am completely honest. How about the idea of finding joy while being his helpmate? Yeah, seems like an odd pairing, […]
Is Virtual Infidelity A Ground for Divorce Biblically?
Have you ever gone back to your browsing history to find something only to find out it has been wiped clean? As the wife of a man who struggled with an addiction that was a red flag. About 10 years ago, I found myself asking google a question… Is virtual infidelity a ground for divorce? […]
11 Steps to Start Overcoming Pornography Biblically for Life
Have you been fighting the battle of overcoming pornography? It’s a battle that feels uphill and dotted with land mines all with the purpose of sucking you back into the pit. Thankfully in this modern technological world that tempts us to sin, we also find tools and resources to help with overcoming pornography. Stay to […]
Purity in The Bible: How to Fight and WIN
What comes to mind when you hear the word pure? Pure water. Pure air. What about pure thoughts? Purity is a foreign concept today, but the lack of purity robs our joy and steals our peace. Today we will look into purity in the Bible and see how to fight the enemy on this issue. […]
10 Biblical Reasons for Marriage That Still Apply Today
What is the point of marriage? Is it worth all the hard work and headaches involved in creating a healthy marriage? I don’t know if you are single, wondering if marriage is worth the effort, or married wondering if fighting for your marriage is worth the effort. Either way, today I want to share some […]
55 Free or Cheap Date Night Ideas at Home
Once upon a time, a man and a woman made reservations, got dressed up, went out on the town together, and had romantic date nights. Then this same couple got married, advanced their careers, or had children and date night was forever changed. So here we are searching for cheap date night ideas at home! […]