Oh, the controversial topic of a wife’s role in a Christian marriage. It is a beautiful responsibility. You carry the weight of your household. Sometimes, the weight is heavy, other times it is light. Some days are harder but other days make it completely worth it. I truly believe as wives we have a […]
Tag: Guest Post
Hope Joy in Christ is a community that thrives on collaboration! If you are a Christian Blogger and would like to guest post, see Work with Me for details.
10 Ways to Have Fun in a Christian Marriage
My husband and I stared at each other as we sat on the marriage therapist’s couch. We were less than thrilled with the advice she has just given us. “The two of you need to learn to have fun together again. When was the last time you laughed and had a good time together?” Nineteen […]
Words of Life Will Reclaim Joy in a Christian Marriage
I, Kelly Baker know an elderly woman who will talk about her husband every time you give her the time of day. He’s no longer living now, and although there’s no bitterness in her voice, I’ve never heard her relay any good words about him. I try to tolerate her joy of telling stories, but […]
Assume the Best to Reclaim Joy in a Christian Marriage
Does it ever feel like your husband is the enemy? Nothing he says makes sense or feels right and you just want to lash out? Me Too – way too often! It is easy to assume the worst in him or the situation and react badly. This month our focus is on Practical Ways to Reclaim […]
The Best Way to Mentor My Tween Girl and Why
Do you ever worry your kids will resent you when they are grown? Or well before that as the Teen years approach? I worry about that so much. It fuels so many of my nightmares as a woman of Faith striving toward Biblical Motherhood. I don’t want to force my faith on my kids… What […]
My Top Reasons Not to Give Forgiveness in Marriage
Bitter. Resentful. In denial. Everything I touched seemed to fall apart – just like me – falling apart. Nothing was going right in my life – including my marriage. I knew I should give Forgiveness in Marriage… but honestly, that felt too hard. We had tried everything to save it, but still, nothing went right. […]
A Genuine Struggle for Chivalry in a Biblical Marriage
What are some of the things you wish your husband did for you -without being told to do them? It may sound silly, but I wish he would drop me off under the awning at church when it rains, open doors for me, walk on the street side of the sidewalk to protect me. Chivalry… […]
How to Stop Controlling My Husband in a Christian Marriage
The noise level in the house -as I walked in from running an errand – was like defcon 1. War was raging in the kids room. My husband was upset – yelling empty threats at the wall. I jumped right in -asking for details, criticizing his lofty expectations of our little blessings. Things escalated quickly […]
The Magic of Playful Words in the Life of Your Marriage
Have you ever been dutifully happily reading along during your morning quiet time (still half asleep- spilling coffee on your journal) and find Jesus stepping all over your toes with His powerful words? “But if you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another” (Galatians 5:15 NASB). […]