Are you looking for ways to promote oneness in marriage? It is hard to learn how to become one in marriage but the payoff is amazing. Today Carman Brown will explore the topic of unity in marriage with us.
8 Ways to Promote Oneness in Marriage: Hope for Unity in Marriage
Is there hope for marriage when the enemy tries to divide you?
When the enemy comes to roam and devour in your marriage, in your homes, or in your relationships with your children, his entire purpose is to divide. If there is to be any hope for unity in marriage you must engage in the spiritual attack. There are many ways but today I will share 8 ways to promote oneness in marriage when the enemy tries to divide you.

1. Understand: What Does Oneness in Marriage Mean?
To understand what oneness in marriage means we must take a look at the definition of division.
Divide us into separate parts.
Bring disagreements in a form of hostility to all parties involved.
‘the action of separating something into parts or the process of being separated.
a disagreement between two or more groups, typically producing tension or hostility.’
We have a very real enemy seeking to divide us. What does oneness in marriage mean? Recognize the signs of division and intentionally righting against them. This is one of the ways to promote oneness in marriage: Unity in Marriage
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2. Recognize The Spiritual Attacks of Division
Beware when your marriage is under spiritual attack. Division usually comes from lies being ramped up in our minds which will create havoc within us resulting in havoc in our marriage.
The havoc may include confusion, tension, frustration, low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety.
The most overused tactic from the enemy is to divide a marriage of what they love and depend on most. It is critical that you recognize these common spiritual attacks from the enemy when learning how to become one in marriage.
- Whether it is to use the children:
‘My husband favors our daughters more. Why does he always let them get their way when I am disciplining them?”
- Finances (whether you have money issues in marriage or not):
‘My husband thinks he should rule the money, does he not trust me?’
- In-laws:
‘His parents have never liked me and never will. He will never stick up for me.’
Or through so many other things that are supposed to keep unity in marriage. Be aware of what that looks like in your own home – your own marriage trials – and make a plan to not allow it to win next time.
3. A Foothold can easily become a Stronghold of Division
Know that if you take in and believe ONE lie, the enemy will use that lie to build it to be more and more lies. What was a small foothold into your marriage can easily become a stronghold of division?
No matter the situation he uses against you and your spouse, he desires one thing: Division in your marriage.
A godly marriage should be a marriage the enemy fears and would want to devour. Expect an attack when you are living out the characteristics of a godly wife.
A godly marriage is a powerful unity created by God, but this means we need to stand strong and firm.
You, Christian Wife, need to be prepared and open to allow God to lead you in this area of your marriage if you long for unity in marriage.
The enemy will try to take your hope, leaving you with no strength to heal, fight against, or be redeemed from division.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”John 10:10
Don’t believe his lies. That is another one of the ways to promote oneness in marriage.
We have a very real enemy seeking to divide us. What does oneness in marriage mean? Recognize the signs of division and intentionally righting against them. This is one of the ways to promote oneness in marriage: Unity in… Share on X4. Look at Oneness in the Bible
In 2 Chronicles 20, The people of Judah sought help from the Lord and He told them this was His fight. They were just to follow the instructions.
You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you 2 Chronicles 20:17
God ordered the praise team to go in front of the marching line up the hill. This confused the enemy that was waiting at the top to start a war with them.
By the time they got up there, the entire enemy army was all dead. They killed themselves in the confusion.
The enemy’s minds were so fixed on being divided that they never joined together as an army. That confusion literally took their lives.
Do you want to be a spouse that gets lost in the confusion? Or do you want to be the one in your marriage that confuses the enemy because you stood up with praise?
5. Be the one to Confuse the Enemy with Praise.
You can be just like the Israelite army who used praise to confuse the enemy and glorify God.
Start your day out with praise no matter what burden of division you are feeling in your home at the time. Yes, priase God when it’s hard! Praise helps you change your mindset to build hope and it fears the devil by the confidence you are exemplifying.
Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise Him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying:
“Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever.” 2 Chronicles 20:21
When you praise God, regardless of the marriage trials you face, you shine God’s light to the lost world. You show the enemy what a marriage should be based on. Unity in marriage shining God’s love and strength.
6. Remember What you are Fighting Against.
You are NOT fighting against flesh and blood but against what the devil who is trying to make you believe is wrong. (Ephesians 6:11-17)
It is not always about fighting with your spouse. Your spouse may be experiencing just as much as you even though you can’t see it.
Try to understand not all things are intentional or purposefully out of spite. Instead, pray that the trap of the enemy would reveal itself. Pray that God would stop the fiery darts against both of you and your spouse.
7. Use Spiritual Warfare to Find the Root Problem
Pray for the root that the Enemy keeps using against your marriage to be revealed. Praying through spiritual warfare in your marriage is a powerful way to promote oneness in marriage!
In most cases, you will notice the same lies and traps in the mind that attacks you.
- Do you feel left out with finances?
- Maybe you feel rejected by your spouse because he did not kiss you as soon as he walked in the house
Seek the Lord where there are deep wounds within you. You can recognize those wounds when the enemy continues to use the same situation against you.
Pray it out. Receive the healing from any wounds that are preventing you to live freely.
Stay alert my brothers and sister in Christ. Be ready to hear from the Lord.
Create time for spiritual warfare with God to promote unity in marriage. Spiritual Warfare is key among the ways to promote oneness in marriage.
8. Unity in Marriage is a Choice
Lastly, make a choice to keep peace in your home even if the situation seems overwhelming. Unity in Marriage is a choice you make every day. This has been the most beneficial way to promote oneness in marriage for me. Simple but easy to overlook.
Choose Oneness in marriage. Choose Unity in Marriage.
Promote oneness through Prayer
The Power of A Praying Wife is a book that has been pivotal in helping create the kind of oneness that only comes through prayer. God can change everything in your marriage when you submit it to Him through prayer.
Hope for Marriage: 8 Ways to Promote Oneness in Marriage
Where does this article find you on the road to unity in marriage? If you are like most of us there are parts of this that you do well and parts that God is convicting you to do better with. Which of these 8 ways to promote oneness in marriage do you need to work on today?
- Understand What oneness in marriage means
- Recognize the spiritual attacks of division
- Refuse to allow a foothold of lies
- Look at oneness in the Bible
- Praise when under attack
- Remember the real enemy
- Use spiritual warfare to find the root problem
- Choose unity and oneness
May you always keep your hope in the Lord today.
Carmen Brown is the creator of Married by His Grace blog. Through her walk with Christ as a wife and mom of five, she actively writes to women who are desiring to build their home with the word of God. Her passions involve staying connected with her family and developing content that will help and encourage new Christian Bloggers. You can connect with Carmen on her blog, Instagram, and Pinterest.
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If you really want oneness in your marriage, then you need to stop thinking about what you want and instead think about what pleases your spouse. You’d better be straight with your spouse about how you are doing. If you are not doing well (i.e. sad or mad about things not right in your marriage) then you’d better be straight about it to your spouse nicely and in regular decibels. In these ways, the husband knows what is going on with the wife and the wife understands what is going on with the husband. Prayers could be prayed with more heart and unction. Each could move toward a greater measure of unselfishness and a true measure of righteousness…and blessing.
It is true we should never expect our partner to read our minds. Being open helps in many ways. Thanks for sharing, Ron.