Prayer is as easy as breathing, then why is it so hard to establish the habit of daily prayer? Are there prayer tools and prayer resources that great prayer warriors use to become consistent? Today we will look at the 27 of the best prayer resources free and paid to help anyone grow in faith […]
Tag: Prayer Warrior
Become a Prayer Warrior. Learn what an intercessor is, how to create a Strategic Prayer Strategy, Use a Prayer Journal, Create a War Room, Pray for Unity in the Church, Pray for your Marriage, Pray for your children and so much more.
Guided Prayer for Relationships in 17 Areas
When you are in a difficult season you need a prayer for relationships. You just need an easy button… something already done for you to get you through the hard parts. Today I am sharing 17 prayers guided by Scripture to get you started. How to Use This Guided Prayer For Relationships An easy button […]
22 Simple Prayers for Marriages in Trouble
Today I will share How to create prayers for marriages in trouble. This is a War Room Prayer Strategy! What advice do you give to wives when marriage is hard? Is it a hard season or are you in a troubled marriage? If you are just in a hard season, take a deep breath, give […]
How To Prepare For A Spiritual Fast In 11 Breakthrough Steps
What are the things you’ve been praying about for a long time without an answer? Some of mine over the years include the salvation of siblings and a spouse, direction in life, infertility, unity in our church, and revival in our city. Today I will share my 11-step plan: how to prepare for a Spiritual […]
How To Pray for Your Husband: 8 Ways and 55 Prayers (PDF)
Is there something destroying your Christian marriage? Tearing down lines of communication and distancing intimacy? Me too! Turns out, prayer is a big part of fixing all of that. Big. Huge. Un-quantifiably important. But when you think about how to improve communication in a relationship, prayer doesn’t feel like it’s the point! Today we will […]
How To Use Accountability Vs Blame in Relationships for Communication
How do you improve communication in marriage? It’s a question I’ve asked for years with no good answer. In the midst of discovering the barriers to effective communication in a Christian marriage, I’ve struck on one hard theme over and over; accountability vs blame in relationships. Why Start With Accountability Vs Blame in Relationships? Bud […]
200+ Scripture About Prayer To Grow Your Faith
Prayer is the most powerful weapon Christians have in the Spiritual fight we all face. There is so much power in prayer, and yet most Believers do not pray often. Why? Fear, ignorance, distraction, busyness, you name it and it may be on the list. There are over 200 Scripture about prayer in the Bible […]
How To Fight For My Unequally Yoked Marriage
Have you ever doubted the faith of your husband? Questioned his salvation? Wondered why he seems stuck about certain spiritual matters? Begged God to grow him up into a man of authentic faith living out his calling as the Spiritual leader of your home? Today we are standing together to fight for unity in our […]
How Personal Revival Leads to Unity in the Church
This world needs Jesus. Look around you, the rise of homelessness, drug addiction, divorce, and school shootings show how far from God we are. How will this world find Jesus? We need revival, not just a church revival, but lasting personal revival which leads to Unity in the Church to direct the lost to Jesus. […]
21 Verses to Pray For Wisdom in Marriage
I don’t know about you, but I need help fighting for my marriage. I need wisdom. He needs wisdom. We all need wisdom to navigate this season. Did you know you can pray for wisdom in marriage? In fact, we can find Bible verses to turn into prayers for wisdom in every area! Everyone Should […]