I can still remember the day the Lord showed me I was not loving my husband HIS way. At the time, I was sure he was the problem and there was no solution. Then I began to study 1 Corinthians 13 love. Talk about shocking and life-changing. This free marriage Bible study unit will dig […]
Tag: Finding Hope and Joy in My Marriage
Finding Hope and Joy in My Marriage is a Marriage Bible study for Christian Wives asking “Is there hope for my Marriage?” Find Biblical advice for marriage problems that really will save your marriage.
How to Show Patience in Marriage: 7 Ways Love Is Patient
Are there parts of the Bible you read and think, ‘That sounds nice but how do you live that way for real?’ 1 Corinthians 13 is one of those passages for me. Love is patient, God says but how do you show patience in marriage when marriage is hard? Why Patience in Marriage is Important […]
How to Be a Christian Wife With a Biblical Worldview
Today I want to answer a question I am asked over and over again. “Can you help me learn how to be a Christian wife?” Personally, I prefer to rephrase it as I answer. “No. No one can be a perfect Christian wife, Sweet Sister. Instead, let me talk to you about how to be […]
10 Strategies to Avoid Communication Breakdown in Marriage
How do you prevent communication breakdown in a relationship? Communication in marriage – even a Christian marriage – can be tricky? As I counsel and mentor wives, I hear this listed as the biggest struggle in their marriage 90% of the time. Hands down, wives doing marriage God’s way long to improve communication. So today […]
Reclaiming Hope and Joy in your Christian Marriage
A few years ago the enemy was knocking at the door of my marriage – wanting to destroy it and our family with it. God used that season to get my attention and shine His light on my “Christian” Marriage. It was not a Biblical Marriage and I certainly was not living out Biblical Wifehood. […]
Perspective Shift: A New Way to Love in a Christian Marriage
How did we end up back in this place again? Why did I say that to him – again!?!?! I took the class, I listened to the preacher, we prayed – how can I break this cycle once and for all and have the happily ever after I dreamed of for my Christian Marriage? Can […]
My Top Reasons Not to Give Forgiveness in Marriage
Bitter. Resentful. In denial. Everything I touched seemed to fall apart – just like me – falling apart. Nothing was going right in my life – including my marriage. I knew I should give Forgiveness in Marriage… but honestly, that felt too hard. We had tried everything to save it, but still, nothing went right. […]
Interview: Top 5 Communication Secrets in a Christian Marriage
This past week I was Interviewed by the Owner of Scattered Women Pursuing Purpose – Laura Stufflebam Holth. Laura is on a mission to teach woman to strategically fit together the scattered pieces of life in a way that allows us to see the true purpose! Sounds amazing right!?!?!?!?!?! And what did we chat […]
1 Amazing Testimony of Joy in a Christian Marriage
Do you ever feel alone? Like you are the only one struggling in a Christian Marriage? You are not alone. Today I am honored to shine the light on a beautiful Testimony of a Woman with Joy in her Marriage. Ifeoma is a woman who pursues God with all of her heart on her spot […]
A Genuine Struggle for Chivalry in a Biblical Marriage
What are some of the things you wish your husband did for you -without being told to do them? It may sound silly, but I wish he would drop me off under the awning at church when it rains, open doors for me, walk on the street side of the sidewalk to protect me. Chivalry… […]