Reclaiming Hope and Joy in your Christian Marriage FtImg Why should we reclaim Hope and joy in a Christian marriage? And How do we do it? Marriage advice relationship quotes

Reclaiming Hope and Joy in your Christian Marriage

A few years ago the enemy was knocking at the door of my marriage – wanting to destroy it and our family with it.  God used that season to get my attention and shine His light on my “Christian” Marriage.  It was not a Biblical Marriage and I certainly was not living out Biblical Wifehood.  God began teaching me and prompting in me a desire for reclaiming Hope and Joy in our marriage.  I thought those words were lost forever… Hope and Joy…

When hubby and I first met we were filled with Hope’s and Dreams of a wonderful life together.  There was joy aplenty.  People were actually grossed out by the love we shared.

Where did that Hope and Joy go?

The burdens of life came.  We were overwhelmed with pressure and responsibility.  Add to that our sin and baggage from 2 dysfunctional pasts.  That left an opening for the enemy to slither in and steal something valuable.

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and to destroy; I come that they may have life, and have it abundatly.

As I sat -faced with a failing marriage -God began showing me what it would take to reclaim that Hope and Joy.  Honestly, I fought God about this -tooth and nail.

He had to convince me to obey Proverbs 3:5-6 and Trust in the Lord to Fix My Marriage.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all yor ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.

Now, several years later, I have a passion to share openly with other women about Marriage.  I find it is an opportunity to revive -breath fresh air- into other women and offer them Hope and Joy in their Marriages.

Why Reclaim Hope and Joy in a Christian Marriage and How To And How do we do it? Marriage advice relationship quotes

Do you believe there is hope for your Christian Marriage?  Even in the difficult seasons of marriage?

More marriages are ending in divorce today than ever before.  There is a desperate need for us to all be honest and real about what works and doesn’t work in Marriage.

We -The Church (The Body of Christ)- have been doing Marriage just like the culture around us for far too long.

Until a few years ago I didn’t even know there was another way. 

It really was a secret to me.  I wanted to shout it to everyone who could hear me.  God’s way is SOOOO much better.  There is Hope and Joy but we have to Reclaim it!

God Has a Way to Turn Marriage around when we do things His Way!

This Reclaiming business would be easier in Community

I know the topic of Biblical Wifehood can feel intimidating (maybe even confusing). What is a “Wifehood” Anyway?  I think of the Wifehood as a sisterhood of wives seeking God’s approval Not Cultural Conformity.

Marriage is a lot of work and the enemy is attacking it so persistently… seems like we need to join together and fight back (maybe even have our own club)… hence the “Wifehood”.

Biblical Wives Community ~ A sisterhood of wives Choosing Hope and Joy in Every Season of Marriage by keeping our Eyes Fixed on God.

That is why I started this Blog and a Wives only  Facebook Group so we can connect better.  Lets encourage and equip each other as we step into this Challenge! 

Could you use more Hope and Joy in your Marriage? 

Last year I invited 30 Women’s Ministry Leaders to share their Best Marriage Tips, Secrets, Encouragement along with some Free Resources to better Equip us all.  I’d love to give them to you in this free E-book!  And Be sure to check out the Wives Only FB Group where Christian Wives chose Hope and Joy in every Season

Resources to Equip us in this Biblical Wifehood Party

Sometimes we just need deeper, more specific Christian Marriage Resources! Some of the things that have helped me are listed on the Christian Marriage Resource List Page.

God prompted me to write out all I’ve learned about Biblical Wifehood.

Finding Hope & Joy in my Marriage

Finding Hope and Joy in My Marriage Online Marriage Course for Wives Only PinIt ( #findinghopeandjoyinmymarriage #ChristianMarriage #ChristianMarriageadvice #BiblicalMarriage #Relationshipadvice #ChristianLiving #HopeinMarriage )
This was written with the tools I learned as I studied all The Bible had to say about Marriage.  (Our Pastor of Discipleship laughingly said “It should be titled the complete guide to marriage”.  But that wouldn’t get anyone’s attention 😉

This is a 9 Week study to help us live as wives from a Biblical WorldView where we will talk about:

  • Love
  • Forgiveness
  • Desires Vs. Preferences
  • My Mouth
  • Appreciation & Admiration
  • The Leader
  • Understanding Men
  • Respect
  • My Priorities

This class will include

  • 11 video lessons
  • A 145 page workbook with daily lessons
  • 5 days each week that should take 10-15 minutes
  • A private Facebook Group to discuss the homework and talk through the weekly challenges.
God can change the course of your Marriage!  I believe it because I’ve seen it!  Don’t lose hope.
in HIM,
Sharing is Caring!

Tiffany Montgomery

Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children.  Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.

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