A FREE Forgiveness Challenge To Bring Freedom FtImg, Forgiveness challenge, 21 day forgiveness challenge, the forgiveness challenge, forgiveness quotes, the book of forgiving, 30 day forgiveness challenge, marriage advice, Christian marriage advice #Forgiveness #hopejoyinchrist

A FREE Forgiveness Challenge Will Bring Freedom

Are you stuck in your faith walk?  I’m talking about stale, stone-cold, can’t feel anything or learn anything no matter how hard you listen to the Preacher?  Do you feel like there are chains holding you down – keeping you from freedom?  Un-forgiveness is at the root of that problem for me every time which is why I created this forgiveness challenge.

Why You Need To Take The Forgiveness Challenge

” Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:23 NASB

This was me for years. Stuck. Hopeless.  Discouraged. Not to mention jealous of the believers in my life who “heard God’s voice.” I wanted that but I didn’t understand how to get to that place.

There were hurts no one knew, things I never talked about, things I thought I could push under the rug and close the door on… but somehow the door always swung open at the wrong time.  

I honestly didn’t know how to forgive others.  Try as I did, forgiveness never went heart deep.

After years of wrestling with God over the need to forgive but the struggle to actually get it right, He led me down a pathway that finally worked.  I have learned how to forgive – heart-deep forgiveness that brings healing and hope. 

Do you need healing and hope? 

The forgiveness challenge is for you!

Bitterness Hurts Your Faith Walk

When we choose to deny forgiveness, bitterness, and resentment grow in our hearts.  Even if it’s not an intentional decision, bitterness grows roots when we sweep things under that rug.

I picture bitterness as a weed in my beautiful garden of faith.  Gardens take time and patience to make lovely.  You plant the seeds, water the seeds, and then wait for them to sprout. At first, many things sprout and you are not sure what are flowers and what are weeks.  

Weeds are a natural part of gardening but you have to be patient before pulling or you will uproot the flowers by mistake.  After some time you can see what sprouts are the real flowers, but if you wait too long the weeds will have rooted deeply and started to bloom, spreading farther in the garden!

The roots of bitterness are deep and thick and so painful to pull out.  When the weed blooms you see resentment, contention, and sin.   It’s a funny thing how un-forgiveness takes on a life of its own in our hearts and minds and we can’t see the sin until it is in full bloom.  

Forgiveness is key to uprooting that bitterness.  

Related: How to Create a Prayer Garden in Your Backyard

A FREE Forgiveness Challenge To Bring Freedom PinIt, Forgiveness challenge, 21 day forgiveness challenge, the forgiveness challenge, forgiveness quotes, the book of forgiving, 30 day forgiveness challenge, marriage advice, Christian marriage advice #Forgiveness #hopejoyinchrist

Forgiving Hard Things

There are things that feel impossible to forgive.  Maybe like me, you hear forgiveness challenge and laugh.  

A 21 day forgiveness challenge will never do enough to help me forgive these hard things.  

Even a 30 day forgiveness challenge wouldn’t be enough.  The things in my life are too hard to forgive.  

I hear you.  There really are things that feel too big, too painful, too intimate to imagine forgiving.  That was part of my story.

  • I couldn’t forgive others for:
    • Rape
    • Abuse
    • Betrayal
    • An affair
    • and so much more
  • I couldn’t forgive God for:
    • Poverty
    • Allowing abuse
    • Miscarriage
    • Divorce
    • Bankruptcy
    • and so much more
I have learned how to forgive – heart deep forgiveness that brings healing and hope.  Do you need healing and hope?  The forgiveness challenge is for you! Share on X

A Pattern of Unforgiveness

The problem with refusing to forgive the big impossible feeling things is that it creates a pattern.  As I refused to forgive the big things I found it easier to ignore the smaller, everyday things, as well. 

At the lowest point in my walk with God, when I was desperate to hear from Him, connect with Him, feel Him, and see my faith grow He showed me this truth.  

I was living life with hands clenched tightly, controlling everything (badly), and refusing to forgive anything.  That left no room in my life for Him to be God, which is why I wasn’t hearing His voice or seeing Him move.  

When Forgiveness Feels Impossible 

God revealed this area of sin in my life, and I tried really really hard to pray about it more and read about forgiveness more.  No matter what I tried I would still be angry about the hurts which showed me I had not forgiven. 

After a time, I gave up because forgiveness felt unattainable.

Can you relate?  

What kind of hard things have you stopped trying to forgive?  

It wasn’t until God showed me that my unforgiveness problem was destroying my marriage that I circled back to this issue.  (Read about that in this article: My Top Reasons Not To Give Forgiveness in Marriage)

I remember the day God got it through my thick head that forgiveness was the problem with my faith walk.  Let me say it again.

Un-Forgiveness Was The Reason My Faith Walk Was Stuck

I didn’t know how to forgive; I mean to really forgive beyond just saying it out loud.  It took so much time figuring out the process and walking through it with Jesus.

Literally – I walked with Him for part of it – praying as I walked circles around my neighborhood.

  • Wrestling the hard parts out.
  • Arguing through the injustice of letting them off the hook.
  • Asking the “why” questions that had me angry with God and so many people.
  • Crying until I felt my soul empty of the emotions in it.
  • Begging Him to help me forgive forever but then telling Him I knew I never could.

Surely the neighbors think I’m some crazy person.  It just felt important to talk the thing out with God.  There was some healing in walking with God, but it took more than just prayers to get to the other side and find freedom.

The Forgiveness Challenge Offers Freedom

Do you need freedom today?

Are there hurts you can’t forgive?

  • Pain from the past that still burns if it’s brought up.
  • People you can’t look at let alone talk to.
  • Situations that come up in day-to-day life that immediately take you back to that time and place of wounding.

If this is you, I invite you to take the forgiveness challenge.  It’s free.  Just sign up in the form below!

Through the challenge, I will share the process God taught me.  It will come in an email, one small step for 6 days.  Each day you will learn a new tool to begin walking on the pathway to forgiveness for life.  

Forgiveness is Life Changing

After I found this path to forgiveness I saw my life change:

Do you dream of growing in faith and walking in freedom?  I invite you to sign up for FREE to take the challenge.

in HIM,

See also these great challenges to help you grow in faith:

Sharing is Caring!

Tiffany Montgomery

Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children.  Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.

24 thoughts to “A FREE Forgiveness Challenge Will Bring Freedom”

  1. I struggle to forgive those that hurt me because I feel they knew what they were doing and still did it anyway

      1. Thank you for this. I thought I totally forgave but hadn’t. I was still carrying anger and hurt thank you for this challenge.
        I also, if I may suggest something to you that I unsuccessfully tried to put through your other post (Trusting God When It Seems Impossible). I read that you were suffering an illness and that your daughter was autistic. I too had an illness that I thought would be impossible to cure, based on what I read in medical journals and what my doctor told me as something that would be with me the rest of my life.
        I had an ailment that my conventional doctors did not pick up on. After praying to be healed by the use of something simplistic and not harmful on my body, I stumbled across a feed on youtube about celery juice as a cure for certain ailments. The person was Anthony William who wrote Medical Medium. This book as he says helped many people, including a girl who was diagnosed and is now cured of autism. The book tells how he got started as being guided by what he calls Spirit’ and was able to know about health issues from others he was told in his spirit. There are other books he has that are along the same lines with nutritional herbal protocols he suggests.
        I only drank the celery juice as stated exactly WITHOUT any meds. Within 2 to 3 months, my doctor said my ailment was gone! In addition, I saw a testimonial about a girl who had autism and after drinking the celery juice as prescribed, she was cured of her autism!!
        I don’t know how convincing this is to you, but it DID cure my ailment! Anthony William is now on Instagram or Facebook where you can see the testimonials of those who were helped. You can also Google him for more information. People have said his protocol is a scam but I must say it did work for me even without any mess. My doctor has also said he drinks celery juice and if you’re wondering about the salt content, they, as Anthony Williams explain, are cluster salts that kill viruses in the body, a leading cause of ailments. I hope this helps and I wish for you God’s healing!

  2. Such a great way for people to actually “do something” when they are struggling with unforgiveness!! It is one thing to be told to forgive, another to be able to actually do something about it. I struggled for a long time with unforgiveness toward my biological father. Prayer and the Holy Spirit, helped me completely let go of the resentment I felt toward him. Thank you for your post!

  3. I agree with everything! Only when you forgive will you be free of the burden of being hatred and it feels so good!

  4. The lack of forgiveness just creates bitterness. I can put on a good front, and seem merciful, but inside I am just a ball of hurt and anger. I understand what you are saying all to well. Thank you for your encouraging post.

  5. It’s way easier to forgive something that is in the past than it is to forgive something that is still happening and still brings sorrow. Forgiving an unrepentant person for past events is also impossible but can be done miraculously through Jesus. The present continuous, though, is what makes many women’s lives a living hell, even if they have no bitterness. It’s like fresh vinegar poured into wounds daily. Their hearts are breaking because the people they love the most are blind.

  6. Having the ability to forgive is a gift, it’s such a beautiful thing. They say that it’s brave to hold grudge at someone, but I think it’s braver to forgive someone even if they don’t ask for it, and even if they don’t deserve it.

  7. Sooooo true about brushing things under the rug leading to bitterness. I experience this alot, mostly resentment about my husband working so much and not helping out with the kids enough. You have to get your feelings out there, come to terms with them yourself, express them to those who need to hear them.

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