How To Act Like God is Bigger Than Any Problem Today FtImg, What Bible verse says God is greater than the highs and lows? WhatBibel verse is let your faith be bigger than your fear? How can I be bigger than my problems? What is God's all powerful? God is bigger than any problem Bible verse, my God is bigger than any problems I face, giving problems to God, God is bigger than your fears, #BeStill #FastAndPray #HopeJoyInChrist

How To Act Like God is Bigger Than Your Problem Today

Do you struggle to believe that God is bigger than your problem? Me too.

Most days I get so caught up in the chaos and needs in my face that I forget God has a plan for my life. Between feeding children and folding clothes, who has time for God’s plan? 

Then you add in all the problems that come through different seasons and I can begin to feel alone in the struggles.  Today we will look at how to be still and really see God in the midst of our troubles.  We will see that God is bigger than everything even when it doesn’t feel like it is true!

Why Is It Hard to Believe God is Bigger Than Your Problem

It’s hard to choose hope in hard times.  Period. No matter how many hard times I face, this remains the truth in my story. How about in yours?

When we are faced with very real problems and few solutions it’s easier to get stuck in fear and anxiety.  Easier than leaning into the Lord.

Why is it so hard to believe that God is bigger than your problem?

  • I can physically see my problems but I can’t see God.  
  • My problems are loud and it’s difficult to hear the LORD most days. 
  • The hard things look so big and feel so threatening that I forget how big and powerful God has been and will be again.

The Bible is a comfort to me because it reminds me – every single time I open it – that I am not alone in this struggle.  Even prophets had moments when they needed to be reminded to be still and trust the Lord.  

God is Bigger Than Your Problem Bible Verse

Today in our 40-day study on the topic of learning how to be still we are in 2 Kings 6:16. The biggest takeaway from this passage to me is that God is bigger than any problems we face! God is bigger than everything so we can trust in Him!

“So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”” (2 Kings 6:16 NASB)

The prophet Elisha is in the middle of a difficult situation in this Scripture.  God had been revealing things to the prophet to help Israel, something to share with the King of Israel to help them win. 

It happened so many times that the enemy king began to believe there was a spy in their midst. When they learned that the God of Israel was revealing their battle secrets to this prophet they did the only thing they could think to do. They sent the Aramean army to march against the prophet who was alone with only his servant (2 Kings 6:8-10). 

This is a big problem! This was a real – physical – problem.

Some Things to Know About the Context:

  • Elisha was walking in the will of God.
    • Sin did not bring this battle.
  • God knows all and was using His prophet to protect His people.
    • God is wonderful that way!
      • Can’t you just imagine the lavish love of the Father, revealing enemy secrets to protect His bride? Beautiful love.
  • Elisha had been the apprentice to Elijah and had seen the Lord do mighty things.
    • Seeing God move fuels our faith that He will move again!
  • Being a prophet of God is a job that leads to attack and persecution.
    • It shouldn’t surprise any of us that hard times come to all believers walking faithfully with the Lord!
How To Act Like God is Bigger Than Any Problem Today, What Bible verse says God is greater than the highs and lows? WhatBibel verse is let your faith be bigger than your fear? How can I be bigger than my problems? What is God's all powerful? God is bigger than any problem Bible verse, my God is bigger than any problems I face, giving problems to God, God is bigger than your fears, #BeStill #FastAndPray #HopeJoyInChrist

How To Choose Faith Over Fear

In 2 Kings 6, we see that Elisha doesn’t seem to give the trouble facing him a second thought.  How did he do it?   I mean, we know God is bigger than your circumstances, but it is supernatural to not have fear!

If I heard this report I would feel at least a moment of fear. Right?

“Now when the attendant of the man of God had risen early and gone out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was circling the city. And his servant said to him, “This is hopeless, my master! What are we to do?”” (2 Kings 6:15 NASB)

How did Elisha respond to this report? The man of God hears the servant’s report and he prays. Immediately. He doesn’t worry or plan first. Nope, he prays. This prophet is the epitome of the quote, “Your Bod is bigger than your problem!”

Prayer Changes Everything

“Then Elisha prayed and said,

“Lord, please, open his eyes so that he may see.”

And the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” (2 Kings 6:17 NASB)

With a prayer, Elisha changes everything!

Not only did prayer keep Elisha centered, but prayer changed the fear of the servant. God helped the servant see how much bigger He was than the problem the servant had seen at first glance.  

Did you find this mid-series?  We are in a 40-day Fast to learn how to be still and know God. Keep up with the series here.

Acknowledge That We All Have Problems

What are the problems facing you today? Is there an army attacking?

  • Are you in the midst of a difficult godly marriage trying to be a godly wife?
  • Have you come to a dilemma with one of your children?
  • Is there drama with friends?
  • Are you having a hard time at work?
  • Maybe there’s dissension at church.
  • Financial struggles…
  • Health challenges…

There are seasons of life when it feels like so much is happening that you must be under attack.  In this series, we have seen that there is a very real Spiritual battle happening over your life.  Do you believe that?

Elisha prayed that God would open his servants’ eyes to see the Angel Armies.  I wish that was my mindset in the battle. Don’t you?

Most of the time my prayer is, “Lord, how can I be bigger than my problems?”  That is the wrong prayer, Y’all! 

What we need, if we want to live a life where faith is greater than our fear is to learn about giving our problems to God and leaving them there.  

My God is bigger than any problems I face.  Do you believe that?  And He sends Angel armies to fight for me – and you! Angel armies! If that isn’t proof that God is bigger than your problems, I don’t know what is. But it’s hard to remember they are there.

Related Post: God Fills Our Lives With Trials

Believe The Angel Armies Are Real

Do you believe that there are armies of angels? Most people do believe in angels.

If there are angel armies it stands to reason that there are also demonic forces.  We see them mentioned in the book of Daniel as well.  (Read more about spiritual warfare in Daniel here.)

In our passage, we see that Elisha is a real Prayer Warrior. This prophet has seen God do amazing things in the past!  Angel armies are just one way God does amazing things (so don’t fixate there) because He is the amazing and All-Powerful God we should fixate on an not divide the glory! 

We have all seen God do amazing things.  When God is bigger than my problem I praise… but soon forget and begin to fear again. Why can’t we always stand up in prayer and believe God is bigger than our fears?

We struggle to believe God is bigger because the enemy is doing his best to keep us out of the battle.  He uses the 3D’s to keep us from engaging in Spiritual Warfare, even blinded to its existence!

  1. Discouragement
  2. Distraction
  3. Discontentment

How can we turn the tables on the enemy and begin winning with Spiritual warfare?

Related Post: Unity in The Church Through Personal Revival and Overcoming the 3 D’s

My God is bigger than any problems I face.  Do you believe that?  And He sends Angel armies to fight for me – and you! Share on X

Become a Spiritual Warrior Because God is Bigger Than Any Problem

We need a bigger view of God.  I believe that is at the heart of the problem. We see the Lord as something small we can keep in a box in our pocket and only bring out when we have an emergency.

This bigger view of Jesus goes beyond knowing that God is big… it goes to the heart of believing God is big.  How do you become a Spiritual Warrior?

  1. Trust that God has a plan for your life.
  2. Talk to God and watch as He answers your prayers.
  3. Read the Bible to see how God showed up in the past in big ways.
  4. Get in a community with real Believers who share what God is really doing in their lives.

This is the kind of life Elisha lived. It is why I believe He knew God was bigger than his circumstances.

When you live that way, like Elisha, you don’t have to worry about the hard parts because God is greater than your worries.  Easier said than done I know.

Prayer and Faith Win The War

Going back to 2 Kings 6 we see that prayer changed the entire direction of the battle. Honestly, the other day a reader emailed me asking, “Which verse says God is greater than our circumstances?” I sent them to this passage. It illustrates the point perfectly!

“And when they came down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord and said, “Please strike this people with blindness.” So He struck them with blindness in accordance with the word of Elisha. Then Elisha said to them, “This is not the way, nor is this the city; follow me and I will bring you to the man whom you seek.” And he brought them to Samaria.

When they had come into Samaria, Elisha said, “Lord, open the eyes of these men, so that they may see.” So the Lord opened their eyes, and they saw; and behold, they were in the midst of Samaria.” (2 Kings 6:18-20 NASB) 

The Aramean army felt sure of a victory.  An entire army against a prophet seems like a no-brainer.  But God had another plan. (Doesn’t He always?!?!?)

Would you ever imagine a war being won by temporary blindness?  Crazy right?!

But then again, think about the times God has fought for you in ways that were totally crazy; it fits His nature!

How Can We Be So Sure of the Lord?

Here’s the thing, God does move in crazy ways. He is wild and unpredictable. Also, He is on our side.

“If God is for us, who can be against us?”  (Romans 8:31 NASB)

On our side, with all the power of the universe at His disposal with a word or a thought, and yet we fear. That sounds more crazy when you say it out loud don’t you think?

A better question than how can we be sure of the Lord is how could we doubt Him? Fear. Pain from the past. Those things get in the way of what our hearts and minds know are true of our Father.

So maybe we should really be asking, “Where in the Bible does it say God is bigger than our feelings of fear?”

“Whenever our heart convicts us [in guilt]; for God is greater than our heart and He knows all things [nothing is hidden from Him because we are in His hands].” (1 John 3:20 AMP)

Christ Jesus sees our hearts, He knows our feelings and He loves us anyway! Plus we have the Holy Spirit to help us through the feelings toward faith. Trust Him!

How then, could the prophet be so sure of the Lord?

God had been faithful in the past.  Elisha knew God was bigger than his problem!

  • God was more powerful than anyone attacking him.
  • The Lord had an army that far outnumbers any other.

Faith Believes God Is Bigger Than Your Fears

Learning how to make God bigger than your problems is about faith or trust in the Lord in the face of the fear you feel. In the face of the fear! The fear may come, but you step out in faith regardless.

It’s not enough just to say, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” (Proverbs 3:5-6) you have to live it every day.

Look at how this passage ends.

God blinds the army, and allows them to be led back home where they are so confused that the battle evaporates!  Crazy. Victorious.

God was bigger than Elisha’s problem. Do you need a God is bigger than your problem quote to help you remember this passage?

“And the marauding bands of Arameans did not come again into the land of Israel.” (2 Kings 5:23b NASB)

Mic drop.

Not only did God win the battle, the war ended. Israel won without the loss of a single life. That’s the kind of God we serve!

God is greater than your problems too. Do you believe that?

It takes trust and faith in Him to be a part of the solution… to pray instead of fear or plot… This is such an important truth to internalize as a Christian. Faith prays first.

Talk about a bible verse that shows God is greater than the highs and lows!

Trials and Testing Teach Us God is Bigger Than Any Problem

Notice how God helps us in difficult times in this example from the life of Elisha and his servant.

  • God didn’t turn back time or change the story to keep Elisha from trouble, stress, fear, or worry.
    • He allowed the army to march against and surround the house.
  • Neither did God snap a finger and destroy the army.
    • Elisha had to walk among the enemy all the while knowing they could attack at any moment.

God does not keep His people from trials and testing.  The will of God, His plan for your life, will not be problem-free. 

God doesn’t save us from having difficult times.  Instead, the Lord helps us while we are in the midst of difficult times.  

Through the times of trial and testing, we learn to be still and trust Him more as we know Him more.

Related Post: How God Uses Suffering for His Glory in Marriage

God’s All-Powerful Nature Is Trustworthy

How can we trust the Lord, when He could have just spoken to keep His children from all harm? Is He trustworthy?

I wrestled with this question for years. So much tragedy happened in my life and I spent years angry with the Lord about allowing it in the first place.

He is all-powerful. What does that mean?

The Lord knows all and can do anything. Yes, that is 100% true. But equally true is that He loves us too much to step in all the time.  Imagine if He did stop all our hard times, we would be so spoiled and immature. 

Faith Grows Best Amid Trials

In His love, He allows us to be stretched to grow our faith.

Not the answer you wanted? Me either!!!!!  Arggg.  I wish the Christian life was easy, comfortable, and always blessed.

Too often when I pray, “God help me solve my problem,” what I want is a quick fix.  What God gives is faith through trials. 

Yes, God helps, but He requires me to exercise faith and walk among the army of the enemy some days.

God is bigger than any problems, God is bigger than your worries, God is more powerful than the enemy attacking your life. That same God longs to grow your faith… so He allows the hard parts to happen.  The Lord’s plan for your life will require you to step out in the battle but know that you are not alone in the fight. 

A Prayer to Be Still and See That God is Bigger Than Any Problems

Jehovah Sabaoth,

It is so hard to believe Tou are bigger than the problems I face.  I can see my problems… it feels like my enemy is flesh and blood.  It feels like my husband is the problem, my kids are the problem, the ladies from my mom’s group are the problem… they are the ones I see.

Give me eyes to see You in the midst of the drama, Lord.  Remind me how You have come through for me time and time again.  I praise You for being so faithful in my life.  You have never failed me and I trust that You never will.  Give me the faith to trust You with all my heart even when I can’t understand.  I will give You the glory for every victory Lord.


Will You Act Like God is Bigger Than Your Problem Today?

Do not be afraid of the problems! That’s what He’s trying to teach us in this season as we learn how to be still. But we don’t believe Him, do we?

I don’t think the problem is 100% that you don’t believe God is bigger than your problems.  No, I think many of us believe that all the way to our toes, but we don’t act like it. 

We can hang up inspirational quotes about the Lord, and listen to Isaiah 40 sermons but until we decide to take a step out in faith nothing will change.  

  • Marriage problems
    • We worry and complain about it rather than praying about it and submitting to God. 
  • Rebellious kids
    • We worry and complain about it rather than praying about it and finding others to help us.
  • Financial struggles
    • We work harder and longer and drive ourselves into exhaustion rather than praying about it and trusting the God who provides. 
  • Attacked by a friend
    • We retaliate and lose the friendship rather than pray over it and ask God to defend us and show us what is at the heart of the attack.

What’s it going to take to move you from believing God is bigger to stepping out of the fear into faith and trusting God to actually be bigger today?  

I don’t ask judgmentally but from love.  Victory, peace, hope, and joy are on the other side and I want those things for you. 

Can I pray with you over this area of your faith walk? 

in HIS love,

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Sharing is Caring!

Tiffany Montgomery

Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children.  Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.

4 thoughts to “How To Act Like God is Bigger Than Your Problem Today”

  1. Please I need your prayers for my family that they may seek & accept Jesus into their life. I need prayer for my husband to take away all his pride,arrogance & selfishness. For him to know the real God & not himself. Also my daugthers to realize why I submit to their father & being a godly woman. That they may learn all the attributes of a godly woman so they can do the same especially to their families. Lord don’t give up on them as I surrender them to you oh God. In Jesus’name I pray. AMEN…

  2. Please pray for me so that I can overcome my fears and overthinking about my career. So that I can support my family.

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