Expectations in marriage kill love. In my mind, I know that. 100% true. In my heart, however, I don’t believe it is possible to live without expectations. The struggle with what I expect in marriage… in a Christian marriage… is at the heart of some of our more hopeless struggles. Who else? What Does the […]
Tag: love
Love in the Bible is the core value we see demonstrated. Biblical Love verses cultural love changes how Marriage works, how to raise godly children and how to show selfless love to others.
60+ Identity in Christ Verses To Pray Over Your Spouse
Knowing who you are in the Lord, in the faith is critical to an abundant life. Without knowing who you are, who HE says you are, life is aimless and confusing. Today we will see 60+ identity in Christ verses to pray over your spouse to help them in grow in faith. I will lay […]
How to Live Pleasing God: 12 Benefits of Delighting the Lord
Would you say that you live life to delight the Lord, pleasing God? Truly, we all want answers to our prayers. No, we NEED answers to our prayers. But what kind of prayers will God answer, consistently? The Scripture is filled with promises about how to pray effectively, so the Lord will answer. Let’s start […]
2 Strong Ways to Fight Pride in Marriage
The struggle with pride in marriage is real! “Why did I ever get married?” “I would be better off doing this thing alone.” Do those kinds of thoughts ever cross your mind? They cross my mind. Oh hello, my name is Tiffany, and I am a proud person by nature. Today we will look at […]
1 Corinthians 13 Love: Free Bible Study On Love In Marriage
I can still remember the day the Lord showed me I was not loving my husband HIS way. At the time, I was sure he was the problem and there was no solution. Then I began to study 1 Corinthians 13 love. Talk about shocking and life-changing. This free marriage Bible study unit will dig […]
What Does Love Never Fails Mean? 5 Steps for Marriage
1 Corinthians 13 teaches us that love never fails. Have you quit on your marriage? God asked me that question this week and it hurt in a deep place. My immediate, gut-level response was, “No, I will never quit on my marriage.” He then began to show me areas I have indeed stopped fighting and […]
How to Create a Marriage Where Love Endures All Things
Did you go into marriage expecting a fairytale ending? I did. Somehow I bought the lie the marriage would fix all my problems, fulfill all my longings and heal all the brokenness inside my heart. Instead, marriage added his problems, longings, and brokenness to my own. Anyone else? So when 1 Corinthians says love endures […]
How to Show Patience in Marriage: 7 Ways Love Is Patient
Are there parts of the Bible you read and think, ‘That sounds nice but how do you live that way for real?’ 1 Corinthians 13 is one of those passages for me. Love is patient, God says but how do you show patience in marriage when marriage is hard? Why Patience in Marriage is Important […]
7 Steps To Love God With All My Heart
What are the things that you love? Off the top of my head, I love chocolate, Taco Bell, my kids, God, and my husband (order does not indicate the amount of love) Do we really love those things with all of our hearts though? Do you ever honestly evaluate the list of things you love? […]
God Is Doing A New Thing: How To Get Ready
Do you need God to move in your life in a new way? That’s the season I’ve been in as well. And honestly, at times we gather together and proclaim that God is doing a new thing. While other times the preacher says there is nothing new under the sun. It’s hard to figure out […]