Marriage is about a grace that flows 3 ways. Grace from God to me. Grace from me to my spouse. Our marriage is then a picture of Grace seen by the world.
How to Teach Bible Journaling to a 5 Year Old
Do you struggle getting your kids into the Bible consistently? Me too. My little blessings are the reason I recently began Bible Journaling. Bible journaling is so hands on and creative that it seemed like a great way to get them into the Word! I want to raise them according to their strength (rather than […]
When Cultural Marriage Advice Fails God Has the Way
There I was, a 19-year-old Christian girl who just had the ∗stars∗ of naivety sucker punched out of her eyes. I was emotionally bruised and bloody from a failed marriage. That is still hard to say. No one ever expects to be working on their 2nd marriage at 19… or maybe that’s the new cultural […]
Are You Watering The Weeds In God’s Garden?
I love to work in my gardens. There is something calming about the process… though the weeds drive me crazy. Did you ever think of God as a Gardener? Among the first things God created was a garden (Genesis 2:15). It was probably spectacular! Not surprising, He compares our heart to a garden. […]
Dad’s Way Vs Mom’s Way [My Priorities]
Have you noticed a theme running through My priorities? Love; Love God, Love others (starting with my husband), Love my kids has to be next right? Yes and no. Part of loving my kids flows from loving my husband God’s way. For years I felt like a single parent trapped in a struggling marriage. Have you ever […]
Husband’s Needs vs Kiddo’s Wants [My Priorities]
Last week I left you with my News Flash… My husband doesn’t want to be an afterthought in my day. How on earth did we get to this place? Honestly, my kids run me ragged; they always “need” something. They are impatient illogical demanding little blessings who believe the world revolves around their […]
Conflicting Priorities [My Priorities]
By now I assume we agree that God should be our first priority. The conflict comes with the priorities that follow. I have many conflicting priorities. Truly we are all in different stages of life. What follows will apply for me and anyone in my life situation… because that’s all I can speak to 😉 I’m a […]
Why I Moved from Christian to Disciple
How do you introduce yourself? Personally, I always fumble through introductions. Hello, My Name is Tiffany and I am a: wife, mother, daughter, sister, homeschooler, nutritionist, housekeeper, accountant, secretary, reader, writer, singer, student… Whew! That is just the tip of the iceberg of what I do in life, but none of it really says who I […]
Reclaim Joy in Life by Setting My Priorities
Is your life busy? Mine is; growing as a wife, raising Little Blessings, cleaning an always dirty house, serving, learning, etc. Sometimes I just lose sight of my priorities and my joy. Am I alone in that? Webster’s defines Priority as – Something that is more important than other things and that needs to […]
Why I Broke the Silence About Anxiety in My Life
Do you ever feel Anxious? Broken? Damaged beyond repair? Unlovable? Do anxious thoughts affect you’re everyday life? For years I felt driven to silence by those feelings. Can you relate? I am sure many do since we fight a common enemy. That snake tends to use the same dirty tricks on us all – then […]