How to Really Trust Walking with God in Chronic Illness #WalkingwithGodVerses Tips to help Trust In The Lord on this great Christian Living Adventure

How to Really Trust Walking with God in Chronic Illness

How is your Walk with God today?

We all have seasons that challenge our faith, stretch us, cause us to feel dry and distant from God.

The thing I love most about God is… He is only ever One step away, One prayer away…

But we feel too…











To take that first step, to pray that first prayer.

The thing that helps me is hearing others’ stories of God’s faithfulness.

Trusting God – Walking With God Through Chronic Illness

Today I am sharing my story about learning a new level of trusting God while walking with God through Chronic Illness.

Walking with God sounds so simple, easy in fact.  And it is when life is good and everything is going well.  But Trusting God and continuing to walk with Him when life is hard – or when you are diagnosed with an incurable disease – is anything but easy.  Walking with God through sickness requires a level of trust I had not expected.

Hi, my name is Tiffany Montgomery and I have an autoimmune disease.  There’s no cure for it, the best doctors can do is treat the symptoms and monitor the body systems it attacks.

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis or Chronic Illness is now part of my identity

My prayers range from‘God please heal me’ to ‘What is your plan with this illness in my life God?‘  ‘Why did you let this illness into my life?  You could have stopped it – said not this one – but You didn’t.’  I even whine at Him a bit with ‘Why are there incurable diseases in this world at all?’

There is fear in my heart about the unknown in my future now.  My children are so small and I want to enjoy raising them – watching them start their own family.  I worry I will miss important parts of it now because I am sick and in pain so often.

How can I trust God?  Can I continue walking with God in Chronic Illness?

I feel the temptation to walk away from Him whisper in my ear.  After all, He could have healed me and yet He chose not to.  Then I am reminded of Paul and Job and Moses – even Jesus Christ Himself.

“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NASB)

Do you struggle to Trust God when life gets hard?  Do you have a Chronic Illness as well? 

Finish reading to learn The Best Way to Keep Walking with God Through Chronic Illness over at

How to Really Trust Walking with God in Chronic Illness PinIt #WalkingwithGodVerses Tips to help Trust In The Lord on this great Christian Living Adventure

There will be great stories of Faith throughout this series.  I am inviting you to join us for this amazing encouraging Series on #WalkingWithGod through the #BloggerVoicesNetwork or #BVN and our lovely Hostess Kelly R. Baker!

Check out all the details here.

Do you need God to move in a big way in your life? 

Have you taken your need to Him in prayer?  Has there been fasting?  Have you asked others to join you in prayer?  

This year God has been focusing my heart on Fasting – going deeper in prayer passionately to pursue God to move my mountain or move me through the mountain.  Did you miss anything in the series on Fasting and Praying?

Throughout the process of fasting and prayer, God began to teach me to see Joy in the struggle.  Honestly, Joy is the word God is pressing so deeply into my life this year.  Check out what that’s looked like here at How To Cling to The Joy of The Lord Every Day!

I’d love to give you a Free 30-days of joy reading plan to help you focus on Him this month.

FREE Joy 31-Day Topics Bible Study Plan: Scripture Reading Plan About Joy

One way I have been walking with God this year is through Bible Journaling

Do you Bible Journal?  Maybe you’ve been thinking of jumping into the path of Illustrated Faith.  Check out this Post on How to Start Bible journaling Cheap with Everyday Things!

I highly recommend a Bible Journaling Tool Kit.  When I chose to Stat Bible Journaling I started out with the Trust in the Lord Bible Journaling Kit from The Holy Mess.  It was full of doodle ideas, margin strips, and calligraphy practice sheets.

I loved that Kit!  It really helped me learn the skills to do more on my own.

This year I realized I could create my own doodle sheets and coloring pages (with the skills I’ve learned while creating this blog for you).  So I pulled everything I’ve been studying about Joy into this:

30 Days of Joy Bible Journaling Tool Kit

What’s included in the Kit?

  • A 30-Day reading plan
  • Journaling prompts
  • 3 Pages of doodling templates
  • 1 sheet of margin strips
  • 1 sheet of Bible verse cards
  • Detailed instructions about how to get started Bible journaling

Be sure to check it out in the HopeJoyInChrist Shop!

Would you drop me a comment and let me know how I can be in prayer for you?  

Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up.  Furthermore, if two lie down together they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone? And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 NASB)

in HIM,

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Tiffany Montgomery

Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children.  Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.