The Calling To Disciple All Nations Starts with My Children, I must live the way they are to live and be intentional about Discipleship

The Calling to Disciple All Nations Starts with My Children

“Go and disciple all the nations”, Jesus commanded.  As a Mom, that calling must start at home with my own children!  My goal is to raise godly young ladies who will change the world for Jesus.  That means a lot of hard work and intentionality on my part… hence the recent adventure into Bible Journaling!
The Calling To Disciple All Nations Starts with My Children, I must live the way they are to live and be intentional about Discipleship
Know first of all, that all I ever wanted in life was to be a mom.  As early as I can remember I played “house” and dreamed of holding babies.  My story has had many twists and turns in the road to motherhood.
To this day, the words “You will never be a mother” bring tears to my eyes.  After that day, I set out to find a new purpose in life.
I threw myself into making a career out of my job.

I was searching for meaning.  Longing to have a reason to be here.  Needing something to do with these desires.

I was looking in all the wrong places and ended up in such a mess!

Yet, I was blessed to have several “Mothers in the Faith” who made it their purpose in life to Disciple (Mentor) me.
They gave love, acceptance and wise guidance as I tripped and fell along the way.
I learned that I could be a Mother in the Faith even if I could not be a mommy.  Since being a Disciple, I have tried to consistently have someone to pour life into (To Disciple or Mentor)…
  • I Teach Ladies Bible Studies
  • Offering encouraging words to women in my life
  • Sharing insight where I had already learned something they are learning
But the day I held my oldest little blessing made all else pale in comparison.  The child doctors swore I’d never birth was a beautiful example of God’s grace!
Honestly, I spent the entire pregnancy terrified of another miscarriage, but I held tight to my faith.  As a result, I was impressed with the burden of motherhood… Biblical Motherhood.
 Deuteronomy 6: 4- 8 Hear O Isreal, Teach them to your Children (Disciple Your Children)

This is a calling to live as a Disciple in an intentional way.

Not only is my whole life to be spent Loving God, I am to talk about it continually with my children.
  • While we sit together (so we make time to sit and be present – no electronics)
  • As we walk by the way together (we have to make time for this in our busy life)
  • When we lie down (instead of impatiently yelling at them to go to bed already! sigh)
  • When we rise up (This one requires coffee and grace y’all!)
In fact, this way of life looks so distinctive that people could look at home and know we are His.
That is the perspective of Biblical parenting God pressed into my heart… it has been life changing.
If that isn’t heavy enough?!?! There are more instructions in the ways of Biblical Motherhood.
Titus 2: 3-5 Older Women Disciple Younger Women

Mothers seeking to Disciple children are called to live the way we want them live:

  • Reverently (With Honor – which has helped me get peace of mind ultimately)
  • Not Malicious Gossips (Who here has ever been caught up in that kind of conversation out of the blue!?!?!  Crazy hard to get out of.)
  • Being sensible (Sometime I want to show this list to Hollywood!)
  • Living purely (So hard to do in our culture of Sex Sells Everything)
  • Working at home (caring well for our home and household – even as a SAHM I struggle here.)
  • Acting Kind (Even when others are not kind is the implication here… HARD!)
  • Being subject to our husbands (talk about a challenging list)
Note that Most of these things correspond to Philippians 4:8 which we walked through in January!  Follow the links to see how each of these helps us find Peace in a crazy world… when we’d rather give them a peace of our mind!
This way to Disciple children does not stop at childhood, it is a lifelong process!
We are to encourage them as adults to:
  • Love their husbands. (Raise your hand if you could use someone to encourage and equip you in this area) – My hand is raised too!
  • Love their children (It can be hard to love them some days and many women wrestle with this secretly thinking they are the only ones struggling!)

Finally, why is it so critical that we Disciple our children?

So that the Word of God will not be dishonored!
I don’t know about you, but I find that incredibly convicting.
Biblical Motherhood is a calling to live  with a higher purpose in mind. This kind of life is not immediately rewarding or glamorous. In fact I am frequently faced with nay-Sayers who deem my life  “odd”.
So what! Who Cares! (well actually sometimes I do care if I’m honest)

My life is not about pleasing other people. My life is about pleasing God.

He has called me to live for Him. He has called me to Disciple these little blessings.
Am I perfect? 
  • Each morning I embrace His Amazing Grace.
  • Prayer is like air in my life.
  • I keep myself surrounded with like minded Mothers for support and encouragement.
I saw the first fruit of this labor last year when my oldest little blessing chose Jesus and was baptized.
She chose Him.
It doesn’t matter how I live, her life will only be affected by her choices.
And she chose Jesus!!!!!!!!!! (Still doing a happy dance over here in KY!)
Now the real work of making a Disciple begins.  Most noteworthy is teaching her how to talk to Him and listen when He talks to her.  
That is our current journey.
It is a Joy.  
It is also a Battle!  
Most of all, it is Beautiful!  
Right now, M and I are working through this cool Bible Journaling Kit from my new friend Sara at .  She put together the whole thing on the topic of Trusting in the Lord.

Bible Journaling Kit for Beginners

If you are interested in starting up with Bible Journaling or trying to work it into your child’s routine I would highly recommend it.

There is a Facebook Community that is very engaged this week with Live Videos and Give-aways  as Sara prepares for a cool sale of this kit (week of June 21-26-2017).  It’s going to be a great week!  Say Hi to me if you jump in!

in HIM,

Tiffany Montgomery

Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children.  Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.

4 thoughts to “The Calling to Disciple All Nations Starts with My Children”

    1. that is so true. I’m always mining Twitter for new sites! Nice to meet a kindred spirit!

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