3 Easy Ways to Fight The Enemy For Freedom in Our Thoughts (#Fighttheenemey #Freedom #ChristianLiving #Biblical #StopNegativeThoughts #overcoming #Despression #anxiety)

3 Easy Ways to Fight The Enemy For Freedom in Our Thoughts

This is a War Y’all.  We are fighting a seasoned enemy.  That snake is practiced and rehearsed and has more experience than all of us combined.  But I believe Freedom in our Thoughts is not only possible – but Critical.  We must fight the enemy!

Last month we talked about the 3 Urgent Reasons to Fight the Enemy for our Thoughts.  If you missed it just click back and catch up 😉  but I’ll recap here too.

1. Believing the Lie of the Enemy – calls God a liar.
2. Believing the Lie of the Enemy – sets up idols in our lives.
3. Believing the Lie of the Enemy – Causes us to become ineffective in God’s Kingdom.

Today I want to share a strategy to Successfully Fight the Enemy and reclaim our minds from an enemy who has not authority over it!  This is how to win the battle for your mind.

3 Easy Ways to Fight The Enemy For Freedom in Our Thoughts PinIt (#Fighttheenemey #Freedom #ChristianLiving #Biblical #StopNegativeThoughts #overcoming #Despression #anxiety)

1. To Fight the Enemy I have to change the Narrative

Research shows that we believe ourselves.  I literally believe what I think and say to my self.  Do you?

It’s crazy to realize how negatively I think about myself.

We just can’t afford to let those lies rattle around in our head all day unchecked.  

The first step I am taking it to write out all the negative thoughts I believe.

Now, as I began this I wasn’t sure all the negative thoughts were lies… that’s how deeply the enemy had infiltrated my mind.

It was a painful process.  Somehow writing out those nasty things was like wounding myself afresh… but it is far easier to fight an enemy when you know her name!

2.  To Fight the Enemy I take each thought to scripture.

Does the Bible talk about these things I believe about myself? 

Well, it actually does.  Each and Every last negative thing I was believing about myself was addressed in the scripture.  Many of them in Jesus own words – which makes my heart happy.

Have you ever done a word study through scripture?  It is super easy – thanks to the internet!

I’ve created a YouTube Video walking you through my process.  Click here to Watch it. 

Do you struggle with worry and anxiety?

I have personally worked hard for years to battle through this and have pulled together a list of my favorite 40 go to verses.   They are yours For Free!

3. To Fight the Enemy I write out the scriptures.

Writing scripture is such a healing process.

  • I write them out word for word in a journal.
  • Then I wrote them out as a prayer on a card
  • I post the care where I am a lot
    • On my Bathroom Mirror
    • The Curtain by my bedside
    • Over the Kitchen Sink
  • Each time that negative thought comes I pray that verse – Out Loud.

Have you checked out the Hope Joy in Christ Strategic Prayer Journal?

Strategic Prayer Journal #Prayer #PrayHard #PrayerQuotes #Printable #PrayerJournal #PrayerHelp

God’s word has an amazing way of changing our thoughts, beliefs and behaviors – when we meditate on it, repeat it, and memorize it… this process does all 3 so easily!

My next plan of attack is to pull out truths in little snippets that I could post on my Mirror in the bedroom.

Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Small statements like.

  • I am loved by God.
  • You are blessed with every gift in the heavenly places.
  • God gave me abundant life.
  • Jesus called me beloved.

Then to speak them Out Loud to my self as I dress in the morning.  (This is a fun post about Crushing Negative Thoughts)

To begin speaking them over my Little Blessings as I see the enemy begin this nasty pattern within their minds.

The Enemy is systematic and well researched

So the lies he feeds you may not be the lies he feeds me.  But many of them are the same.  Surprisingly, we just believe him and never talk much about it to each other.  So he gets away with this mental ambush.

Let’s stand together and say, “No More you snake!  The Father has loved us, saved us, sealed our minds – and you have no place here”!

This year I am tacking each and every lie I have believed.  If there is a lie you struggle with and would like some verses about, please comment below or email me directly.

In her study “You are Potential” Sandy Grosse suggests we use Philippians 4:8 as a guard over our minds.  That one verse – when studied and lived out has the power to give us Peace of mind.

in HIM,

Tiffany Montgomery

Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children.  Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.

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