Can I Trust God in the Storms of Life to Be Still? Trust God's Plan. Trust God in hard times. Trust God verses. Trust God in the storm prayer, Quotes about trust God in the storm. How to Trust God in storm of life. Why do storms of life come? What is the spiritual meaning of storms? #TrustGod #HopeJoyInChrist

5 Ways You Can Trust God in the Storm of Life to Be Still

Can be still and trust God in the storm of life. That’s a question I’ve been asking myself through this season

Are you in the middle of a trial? Does it ever feel like this one thing is just too much for God? Or maybe God is busy elsewhere and He just can’t get to your problem? 

Trusting an unseen God in the face of the very visible storms of life is something we all struggle with. Today we will see that there is no problem too big for God and no care too small for Him to care for. 

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Why Trust God in the Storm of Life?

He hushed the storm to a gentle whisper, So that the waves of the sea were Still.” (Psalm 107:29 AMP)

Confession time. 

This verse uses a synonym of the word we are studying (the root word for be still” is raphah) but it is a prophetic passage that we know Jesus understood when He told the waves to be still in Mark 4:39 (using our word).  I couldn’t resist including it in our list because it applies as we learn how to be still the way Jesus understood how to be still.  

When you want the answer to, “What does it mean to trust God?” looking at the life of Jesus to see how he could trust God in the storm is the best place to start.

Now, on to our passage.

Look for God in the Storm of Life

Psalm 107:29 finds Israel in another tough situation.  Surprised?

Can we just agree that the nation of Israel knows about hard times? That people group has weathered many storms and each and every time God steps in to save them. 

It doesn’t matter if they got themselves into the mess, it doesn’t matter if God caused the mess, it doesn’t matter how big or small the storm was…  God is bigger than any storm and cares about all of life’s storms, big or small!

Comforting right?

What Kind of Troubles Did God Save Israel From?

Banishment. Dispersion. Captivity. Imprisonment. Sickness. Distress at sea. I love that God saved them from literal storms too! 

What an amazing God He is to save us from the big and small storms of life!

Can I Trust God in the Storms of Life to Be Still PinIt? Trust God's Plan. Trust God in hard times. Trust God verses. Trust God in the storm prayer, Quotes about trust God in the storm. How to Trust God in storm of life. Why do storms of life come? What is the spiritual meaning of storms? #TrustGod #HopeJoyInChrist

Is There Meaning In Suffering?

He hushed the storm to a gentle whisper, So that the waves of the sea were Still.” (Psalm 107:29 AMP)

Psalm 107:29 teaches us that storms will come! When the storms of life come you must believe that God will come through for you! 

God’s ways and timing may look different than you prefer, but God will show up and move in powerful ways!  

Related Post: How to Fight the Real Enemy in a Biblical Marriage

Did you find this 40-day fast to learn how to be still mid-series? Go back to the beginning here.

Why Do Storms of Life Come?  

One key point in learning to be still is trusting and believing that God is bigger than your problems.

Another universal truth of believers in God is that we are all fallible humans who go from one problem to the next.  Why oh why can’t we stay out of trouble?

God cares about us and what we care about. There is no storm too big and no storm too small for God to come to our rescue!

There are obviously things like Spiritual warfare at play, but most of my troubles in life comes as consequences of my own foolish choices!  Anyone else?

God even rescues me in those seasons. Praise You, LORD!

Related Post:  God is Bigger Than Your Problems 

What is the Spiritual Meaning of A Storm?

What is the meaning of life’s storms?  Knowing that many of them come from my own foolishness makes me wonder what’s the point… but then again, I often wrestle with a spirit of fear in times of trouble.  Do you?

But through every storm of life, I grow.  I grow closer to God, right in the midst of the storm. Also, there is a track record of growing in the knowledge of God because of the storms. 

Maybe the meaning of trials or the purpose of spiritual storms is to help us grow.

What does it mean to trust God? Looking at the life of Jesus helps us see how to trust God in the storm. Share on X

How To Trust God in the Storms of Life

The truth I need to be reminded of again and again is this:

  • God is bigger than our problems and is only a prayer away!

How do we apply Psalm 107:29 to our everyday lives?  It starts by asking some questions.

What is the storm of life in your world today?  

Make a list (I love a good list)! 

Seriously, I’ll wait.

Let’s get gut-level honest for a sec. 

Do you trust God in your storm?  

My storm seems big to me. 

  • Financial struggle
  • Unexpected circumstances with family and friends
  • Marriage struggles
  • Parenting trials that sweep in like powerful storms
  • Health issues
    • I am sick, have been sick for several years and the doctors throw diagnoses around like I am not a real person on the other side of the desk.

A truth that keeps me going is this:

  • No matter what you face, God is in the storm with you.

These storms in my life are not a surprise to God.  Your unexpected circumstance didn’t catch Him off guard either.  

Let the truth of that sink in for a moment.

Wherever you are in life, storms, trials, and impossible circumstances included, God knew you would be right here.

This trial is not the one that will stump God and break the entirety of creation. In fact, He is an ever-present help (very present help as other versions say) in times of need

“God is our refuge and strength,
A very ready help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1 NASB)

Related Post: How to Really Trust Walking with God in Chronic Illness

How Do You Trust God in the Storm of Life?

  1. Breath deep.
    • You have a solid foundation of faith and do not need to freak out like the lost world around you.
  2. Be still.
    • The Holy Spirit can be your safe place to rest from the strong wind of trials sweeping you over with a storm of emotion.
  3. Pray.
    • The power of prayer is something that wields real power over trials of many kinds.
  4. Read Scripture to remind yourself who God is.
    • The Word of God is what brings Spiritual maturity and pure joy in the light of the problem you never expected.
  5. Remind yourself God is faithful and bigger than your storm.
    • His steadfast love is what keep me strong in good times and bad.  He is faithful and will do great things in our lives in spite of the storms!

Trust Him enough to pray about the problem more than you stress about the problem.

I am going to repeat that just to be sure you didn’t miss it…

Trust God enough to pray about the problem more than you stress about the problem!

I am guilty of complaining about my trials way more than I pray about them.  Being still is about letting go of the need to complain, calming the anxiety, and saying, “Lord, I need you”. 

Then rest in the fact that Scripture promises God will carry you through every storm!

Every. Storm. 

It’s a promise!

How Do I Get Through the Storms of Life? 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your path.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NASB)

Scripture.  I am being so literal right now. 

Prayer and scripture are how I get through life’s storms.  When something hits me hard, I open the Bible to see what God says. 

Sometimes I can’t even think specifically and I’ll search for some general things.  Try these searches and see if the verses don’t bless you. 

  • Trusting God through the Storm Scriptures.
  • God will bring you through it Bible verses.
  • God will get you through quotes.

Anxiety is a storm I face (especially in my marriage).  I read Scripture for anxiety to remind myself about what God says about fear.  I’d love to share those with you here ~> 40 Bible Verses to Overcome Anxiety: FREE Reading and Journaling Guide.

See God’s Love Through The Storms of Life

Finally, in Psalm 107:29 I see a beautiful love story.

I mean really, look through it.  These people have seen God show up and show off more than anyone alive today.  God is crazy about the children of Israel as evidenced by His repeated rescue missions.  But they forgot God was with them, and He had to come to rescue them again so often.

God is crazy about you too.  Do you believe that? 

Do these examples seem extreme, too old, too good, or given to others but not you?

Jesus Brought Spiritual Peace

“Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not be afraid, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, I will also help you,
I will also uphold you with My righteous right hand.’” (Isaiah 41:10 NASB)

Dear Friend, you are going through tough times, and seasons of testing of your faith, but God’s Word is clear (a great calm spiritually).  Christ Jesus brings the perfect peace that we can count on in stormy seasons!

  • Jesus died for you.
  • God chose you and has a plan for your life.
  • Yes, this storm is real.
  • But God is right here with you through it…
    • Holding you through it
    • Protecting you along the way.
  • Trust Him. 
  • Be still with Him through the day of trouble. 

On the other side, with a little faith, you will see what He grew and changed and sanctified you. He will be glorified because you were still.

It is all part of the perfect will of God even in the midst of the biggest storm. Storms can be a good thing for God’s people because they showcase the peace of God that Jesus bought for us.  

A Prayer to Be Still and Trust God in the Storm of Life

Dear Lord, Precious Heavenly Father,

Thank you for always being there to rescue me from trouble.  Whew, I’ve been in lots of trouble.  I can look back over my life and see You holding me, shielding me, hiding me, providing for me, and never leaving… even when I’ve left You. 

Forgive me for taking You for granted, for settling into a routine, and neglecting our relationship.  You are always there for me but I am not always faithful to You.

Teach me to be still and trust You in the storm of life.  Help me open my heart to let You more fully lead me and guide me. 

Change my heart to desire the things You desire even in the storms of life when I feel like I could drown from fear and fatigue.  Help me learn to rely on You more, and bring my problem to You first instead of complaining about it to others.

Today I surrender my fear about my children’s choices, my anxiety over my health, my stress about things in our marriage, my concerns about our finances, and the tendency to compare my ministry to others.  Take all of the trials and fight for me.  I will be still, waiting for You to direct my steps today.


Will You Trust God in the Storm of Life and Be Still?

There will be challenges in life.  You will face hard times.  When you face a storm can you find a way to fix your eyes on God?  

Scripture can help you keep your focus on HIM through the toughest situation.  I would encourage you to make a plan. 

Take your list from earlier.  You know what the hard things are that come over and over.  Take time now, before the storm to find verses about those issues.  

Write the verses out and hang them on the wall to remind yourself what it means that God will see you through.  

Pray through the verses.  Prepare for the storm ahead!  

This is the way to trust God in the storm of life – to be still and know that He is God!

  1. Breath deep.
  2. Be still.
  3. Pray.
  4. Read Scripture to remind yourself who God is.
  5. Remind yourself God is faithful and bigger than your storm.

You can do this!

in HIS love,

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Do you need A Beginners Guide to Learn How to Fast and Pray? In this new book on how to fast and pray, "A Beginners Guide to Fast and Pray: Taking Spiritual Warfare to the Next Level" - Kindle edition by Tiffany Montgomery you will start your journey to spiritual breakthrough today. Books on Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ #FastAndPray #HopeJoyInChrist

Tiffany Montgomery

Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children.  Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.

23 thoughts to “5 Ways You Can Trust God in the Storm of Life to Be Still”

  1. Interesting viewpoint. I think thoughtfulness needs to be in every relationship.

  2. This is a very insightful and poignant post. Psalm 107 is one of my most favorite scriptures of the Bible.

  3. Thank you for your encouragement! God is so much bigger than we realize, so much kinder than we realize, so much stronger than we give Him credit for! God be with you, Tiffany!

  4. No matter what storms we may encounter, our faith lifts us up and enables us to move forward. “Be still and know that I am God.”

  5. Wow, this is perfect for me right now. I’m going to have to read thru psalm 107 this morning I love the verse you shared from there 🧡

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