Reclaim Joy in Life by Setting My Priorities FtImg (#ChristianLiving #Priorites #NewYears #Goals #SelfCare #LoveTheLord)

Reclaim Joy in Life by Setting My Priorities

Is your life busy?   Mine is; growing as a wife, raising Little Blessings, cleaning an always dirty house, serving, learning, etc.  Sometimes I just lose sight of my priorities and my joy.  Am I alone in that? 

Webster’s defines Priority as – Something that is more important than other things and that needs to be done or dealt with first.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with any of those things, but God has been pushing me to be intentional about setting my priorities rather than letting the busyness of life set them and steal my joy.

God started pushing me last year at Easter Time

Easter used to be my favorite time of year!!!!!  I am blessed with 2 little girls and each year we spend a lot of time preparing our hearts by reading stories and playing games.  I find that is the best way for our family to re-enforce the events that make our Faith real to our Little Blessings

A big shout out to Heidi Franz at and our Out-of-Sync Life for an amazing free Family Resource we use! 

Reclaim Joy in Life by Setting My Priorities PinIt (#ChristianLiving #Priorites #NewYears #Goals #SelfCare #LoveTheLord)

I love this Motherhood season of life.  It brings me joy watching their eyes light up as they understand just how much God loves them and what Jesus’ death burial and resurrection means for them personally.

But as we began to dig in, God began challenging me… about my busyness and my priorities. 

I find I am not as excited about Easter this year.  Did I lose the Joy of my salvation somewhere along the way…  with all the busyness.

This Busy life cycle is not new!

In Revelations 2:2-4 the Apostle John is told to send letters of warning to the 7 churches.

I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil men, and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and you found them to befalse; and you have perseverance and have endured for my names’s sake, and have not grown weary, But…

Just take that in for a moment.  God could be talking to us… couldn’t He? 

He could be saying ‘Tiffany, I see all you are doing, all your works, how patient you are and how you are doing all the right things’, right!?!?!?

And I would be so happy if it just stopped right there, but He goes on.

Revelation 2:4  But I have this against you, that you have left your first love.

Have I?  Is it possible that the business in my life has pushed God out of His position in my heart and life?

Could this lack of Joy be a warning sign?

This year God has also put a burdened in my heart to pray for our Country.   

We seem callous to the condition of our nation – resigned to just wait for Jesus to return.

But we are Busy.  I am busy.  I am busy with good things.  I serve my family and I serve my church.

Perspective Shift: I can actually be very busy – doing the work of the church – and still be missing the point.

Missing my First Love if you look at my priorities… 

My first Love should be God right?  We’ve come to believe that through this series haven’t we?

Matthew 22:36-38 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?  And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind  This is the great and foremost commandment.

The most important commandment is not to be busy for God – It is to Love God.

To make God my 1st love and loving God my 1st priority 

God challenged me to make sure my life looks like this. 

  • Setting Love for God as my 1st priority by making time for Him
  • Allowing His word to speak into my soul more and more
  • Think on things in a way that is pleasing to Him

This would lead toward a life that can humble itself, turn from its’ wicked ways and seek God’s face (2 Chronicles 7:14).

The revival of our nation starts with me.

I can’t look on waiting for others to change and fix things.

I. Have. To. Change.

My prayer is that the body of Christ will begin turning back to Loving God 1st.

I am praying we will hear God’s voice as we gather and the Holy Spirit will soften hearts and open ears so real change can happen.

Will you join me in praying that?

in HIM,

Sharing is Caring!

Tiffany Montgomery

Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children.  Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.

3 thoughts to “Reclaim Joy in Life by Setting My Priorities”

  1. Tiffany, remember this: While cleaning your house, doing the laundry, cooking meals, teaching your children –
    “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.” Colossians 3:23-24

    1. Exactly right! I could use a good reminder when it comes time to fold laundry ;o) Thanks for sharing that verse!

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