Kindness is The Fool Proof Way to Cure Spoiled Kids (Random Acts of Kindness)

Kindness is The Fool Proof Way to Cure Spoiled Kids

This month I am so excited to be part of an Amazing group of bloggers sharing their best Ideas for 30 days of Random Acts of Kindness.  This is a snippet of my Guest Post: Cure Spoiled Kids with Random Acts of Kindness.

Next week I’ll finish the story and share some fun pictures of the kids through this process!

“That’s mine”, “I had it first”, “It’s my turn now”!  Have you found a cure for spoiled kids?  I’m still searching for myself.

#MomLife #TheReasonINeedCoffee

Parenting is hard Y’all.

Wisdom says “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it”.  But no one told my spoiled kids that they should go in the way I am training them!!!!!!!

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.

I often wonder what I am doing wrong.  Do you ever wonder that?

Just a side note:

I am the youngest of 4 in a typical American dysfunctional family.  We are a his, hers and their family.  Of the 4, 0 of us are on the life path my parents envisioned.  LOL (kisses to any family reading this!)

I can picture my mother crying some nights ‘What happened’!?!?!? 

Now, I am not one to lay blame – So I won’t.  I will say my parents did the best they knew how to do.  They told us the right way to do things while struggling to figure out how to live it in that season themselves.

Do you need some encouragement to keep pressing into that Daily Commitment to your Marriage?   We could all use a community to help us in Reclaiming Hope & Joy in our marriages!

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Fast forward… an undisclosed number of years ???? and I am a parent who can appreciate what my parents were up against.  Raise your hand if you appreciate the struggles your parents had – now that you are a parent!

But that still leaves me in this uncomfortable unknown place.

What can I do differently to be sure that these Little blessings grow up the way I am training them?

I mean, I do not want to launch spoiled rotten little brats into the world!

My answer came a few years ago from a good friend.  “Parent with the end in mind” she shared in a mentoring session.

I needed to ask some long-game questions:

  • What character traits do I want them to have as adults?
  • How can I be sure there are heart-deep behavior habits?

But of course, parenting rarely goes as planned!  I have to be very intentional about this – even in the way I pray!

Great Moms use Intentional Parent to Cure Spoiled Kids (Random Acts of Kindness)

So I tell them to share, be kind, behave, use gracious words, show respect, etc.  But they don’t.  Let me clarify.  They know how to do all the above and they choose to behave these ways in public most of the time.  But when we are at home… no deal.  Why not?

Well, can I be honest with you?  At home is when I am my most real self.  I let down my walls and my smile takes a break.  I do not always act the way I want my children to act.

They see the 2-face in me.  And they imitate it.

I feel that shame…  Those little blessings know how to push all my buttons and I often react badly.  But I found several things to fight back against the shame and selfishness in me that leads to their acting spoiled and selfish.

Read the about the 3 steps that helped change me and my spoiled kids at : Cure Spoiled Kids With Random Acts of Kindness.  


Sharing is Caring!

Tiffany Montgomery

Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children.  Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.