You Need to Getaway & Reclaim Joy in a Christian Marriage ftimg #Getawayquotes #getawayIdeas #Getawayforcouples #RomanticGetaway 31 Ways to Reclaim Joy in a Christian Marriage #JoyInMarriage #MarriageGodsWay #JoyQuotes #JoyScriptures #ChooseJoy #ChristianMarriage #ChristianMarriagequotes #ChristianMarriageadvice #RelationshipQuotes

You Need to Getaway & Reclaim Joy in a Christian Marriage

When was the last time you got away with your husband and spent time together?  It honestly saddens me when I (Denise Renae) hear a couple that has been married 5, 10, 15+ years and have never be on a getaway with their spouse.  The benefits are countless.  Getting away helps you relax and connect, when you are relaxed you enjoy each other so much more.  A getaway is a blessing and can breath Joy into your Christian Marriage.

Is Joy missing in your life?  I’d love to give you this Free 30 Day Reading Guide to help.

FREE Joy 31-Day Topics Bible Study Plan: Scripture Reading Plan About Joy

Yet, It’s so easy for us to go day in and day out with no getaway time with our spouse.

Common Excuses not to Get Away with your Husband:

  • Well, we don’t have any money for my husband and me to get away.

    • You make it a priority to spend money on your kid’s sports events, social events, going out to eat, etc., right? Why? Because you know the fruit that can come out of your child being involved in a sport. Or, you just simply give in to what you really want at that moment.
  • Who would watch our children?

    • Let’s say, in an emergency situation, you need to be with your husband in the hospital for several days, you would make it a priority to find a sitter for those few days, right? Take advantage of your mom or mother-in-law, or simply swap babysitting with a trusting friend where you each take a getaway with your husband while the other watches your children.
  • We just don’t have the time to do a getaway with each other.

    • If you allow circumstances and people to control your lives, nothing will change, and yes, you will never have time to get away with each other. However, if you step up and take ownership of the events that go on in your life, plus see the importance of getting away with him, you can make it happen!
  • It’s not really needed

    • We are doing just fine with our marriage. I’m going to be straight up with you… this is a lie! If every day you are consumed by work, your children, kids & church events, housework, and not making time for each other… slowly something is happening in your marriage… it’s either going uphill or downhill.

You Need to Getaway & Reclaim Joy in a Christian Marriage #Getawayquotes #getawayIdeas #Getawayforcouples #RomanticGetaway 31 Ways to Reclaim Joy in a Christian Marriage #JoyInMarriage #MarriageGodsWay #JoyQuotes #JoyScriptures #ChooseJoy #ChristianMarriage #ChristianMarriagequotes #ChristianMarriageadvice #RelationshipQuotes

As my husband would say, “face those excuses in the face and push them out of the way.”

The devil likes to take marriages on a gradual downhill path so they don’t realize it until they hit the bottom. Many a Christian Marriage  who are on that down the road for 10-20+ years look back and ask “What has just happened to my husband!?”

But if we are intentional with our marriages in the NOW, we can grow uphill together.

I believe that if every couple could truly see the fruit produced in their marriage in making time just for the two of them, they would make it a priority to get away on a regular basis.

Shortly after my husband and I have been married, and had our first child one year later, my husband realized the importance of the time we need to get away just the two of us.  He saw the importance of making our marriage a priority and took action!

For the last 7 years of our marriage, we have been doing a Getaway with each other every 3 months! Four times a year we go away for 3 nights kid-free (unless we just had a newborn, then that baby would come with).

Now for our Getaways, or we like to call them Quarterly Reviews, we mainly focus on reviewing our last 3 months and intentionally planning the next 3 months together. You can click here to see in detail what we intentionally do on each Getaway.

Be sure to check out the Marriage Evaluation Worksheet Printable Pack for an easy to use Template for this Yearly, or even quarterly look at how your Marriage is going (A Marriage Check in if you will) in the HopeJoyInChrist Shop.

Marriage State of the Union Worksheets Square #Marriage #ChristianMarriage #RelationshipTips #MarriageCheckList #MarriageCheckIn #MarraigeCheckInQuestions

Your Getaway plan may look different than ours.  I believe it’s great to be intentional with a few things together to start out with, and then maybe gradually over time be intentional with more.

The Point is to make it a priority to get away together on a regular basis! He needs you, you need him. You both need each other’s undivided time and attention.

My challenge to you is to take action and plan a getaway with your spouse in the next few months!

Do you need some encouragement to keep pressing into that Daily Commitment?   We could all use a community to help us in Reclaiming Hope & Joy in our marriages!

We just finished a 31 day Series to help us Reclaim Hope & Joy in Marriage by Intentionally Investing in our Christian Marriage.  Get the articles Free in this downloadable e-Book. And Be sure to check out the Wives Only FB Group where Christian Wives chose Hope and Joy in every Season

Oh, One area that can cause us to not want to Getaway together is a fear of being alone and intimate.  (If you don’t believe me, check out this article about Sex in a Christian Marriage)

Check out a new course from To Love Honor and Vacuum that is making a world of difference for me in My Marriage.

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  • Tired of always feeling tired? Want to want your husband again? This online course will take you step-by-step on how to boost your libido! 10 videos plus exercises you can put into effect right away to show you that you actually CAN want–and enjoy–sex with your husband.

Boost your libido Tired of always feeling tired? Want to want your husband again? This online course will take you step-by-step at how to boost your libido! 10 videos plus exercises you can put into effect right away to show you that you actually CAN want--and enjoy--sex with your husband.#Giveaway #ChristianBooks #BibleStudy #ChristianMarriage #JoyInMarriage

Denise Rodriquezg

Denise Renae is a stay at home mom to 5 little children (baby #6 along the way!) and married to the love of her life for almost 9 years now. She blogs over at where she strives to be real in this journey of motherhood and marriage, so she can encourage, inspire, and challenge other women. She is one who strives for perfection within her imperfections.

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