How to Find Hope in a Dead Christian Marriage Now FtImg practical Christian marriage advice, godly marriage, God's way to do marriage, online marriage counseling, marriage bible study, steps to save a marriage

How to Find Hope in a Dead Christian Marriage Now

Do you ever feel like you are trying to figure out how to save your marriage alone?  When you are living in a difficult marriage it is easy to give into the hopeless feeling that nothing will ever change.  Feeling Hopeless.   Today I want you to know there is Hope to that God has a way to do Marriage!

Resurrecting a dead Christian Marriage is not for the faint of heart

It hasn’t been that long when I was living in a loveless Christian Marriage, looking for all the things to do to save my marriage.  I googled “Steps to save my marriage” so many times and never came back with much that would help.

What I wanted was sound Christian Marriage Advice but what I needed was to know What God wanted me to do with my Marriage.

How to Fix a Broken Marriage God’s Way

When you realize the culture’s way to do marriage is wrong you can either feel hopeless and give up or become driven to find another way.   God has a lot to say about Marriage.  Just search for Bible Verses about Love, Scriptures on Love, Bible Verses about marriage, Marriage scriptures.

When you realize the culture's way to do marriage is wrong you can either feel hopeless and give up or become driven to find another way. Share on X

You will find out – overwhelmingly – that God has a way to do Marriage!  God designed Marriage – of course, He has a plan for how it should go.

How to Find Hope in a Dead Christian Marriage Now practical Christian marriage advice, godly marriage, God's way to do marriage, online marriage counseling, marriage bible study, steps to save a marriage

Finding Hope and Joy in My Marriage Bible Study

That drive is what lead me to find the 9 foundational keys to doing Marriage God’s way.  These 9 Keys literally saved our marriage from divorce because God’s way to do Marriage Works!  God’s Way to do Marriage works even if your husband is ungodly, you are unequally yoked or there are hard things to accept and forgive!


Today’s Article is an excerpt from that Marriage Bible Study I shared over at Sharing Redemptions Stories Site:

Are you trying to find hope for your Christian Marriage? Hope is the word I hold onto – day in and day out – through every season.  Hope can breath life into even the most difficult situation.  But is Hope enough to change the course of a Difficult Christian Marriage?  Is Hope enough to save your marriage?  And if we find hope, can it work quickly enough to make those lasting change… Now?  Can


Honestly, I want the change yesterday.  I don’t want to do the hard work of learning patience and applying it to my Christian Marriage.  I am in a Christian Marriage specifically so that we can both have hope and faith and be on the same page and not need patience.  Anyone else?

How does a Christian Marriage become a Difficult Christian Marriage?

All of our stories are different, but if you are married, odds are you have weathered  Difficult Season or two.  The question I answer all the time is in different variations of this:

“How do I keep my difficult season from leading us to divorce?”

My answer is always the same.

Find hope.

Hope breathes life in ways nothing else can.  There are stories all around of God showing up and changing the direction of situations that seemed hopeless.  Find them, read them and be renewed in your faith in His Miricle Working Abilities.  I love this story from Luke 7:11-18 

Find Hope The Same Jesus that Raised the Dead 2000 years ago is alive today!

Today’s article is a Guest Post for Sharing Redemptions Stories.  Finish Reading about how to Find that Hope and How Hope is enough to Save a Marriage- even a Difficult Christian Marriage by clicking through to there.

in HIM,

PS. Have you checked out the Wives Only Marriage Bible Study – Finding Hope and Joy in My Marriage?

Finding Hope and Joy in My Marriage Online Marriage Course for Wives Only PinIt ( #findinghopeandjoyinmymarriage #ChristianMarriage #ChristianMarriageadvice #BiblicalMarriage #Relationshipadvice #ChristianLiving #HopeinMarriage )

Who is this Marriage Bible Study for?

  • Are you a wife worried that your Christian Marriage is not going to survive?
  • Do you feel hopeless, joyless or miserable in your Marriage?
  • Are you a wife – unsure what your role is in your Christian Marriage?
  • Do you struggle to connect as a couple anymore?
  • Do you feel trapped, with no idea how to fix a marriage?
  • Have you tried everything and nothing has helped our Marriage?
  • Are you thinking or talking about divorce?

Whatever season of Christian Marriage I find myself in, it seems easy to forget that God’s way and the Culture’s way are different.

Are you Ready for Radical Change in your Marriage?

That was me – just a few years ago. Stuck, Hopeless and Miserable with no idea how to change the course of our Christian Marriage. I had read every book I could find, went to retreats, marriage counseling… and still, our Marriage was failing.

What changed?

  • We hit rock bottom.
  • I got very real with God about my part in the Marriage.
  • I found a Mentor I could trust.
  • We worked through every issue in our marriage with an open Bible!

I found another way to do Biblical Marriage – a Radical Way – that changed our direction from divorce-bound to Hope and Joy filled.

You can have Hope and Joy in your Marriage too!

God has a way to do Marriage that brings Hope and Joy!!!!!!!!

In this 9 week Course, we will dig into the Bible and find a way to rebuild our Marriage to last a lifetime!

Learn More Here!

Are you in a Difficult Christain Marriage?

Join us in a series where we are learning what to pray and how to pray for our marriage.  Fight the real enemy of your marriage this series on Unity in Marriage through Intercessory Prayer!  Join with thousands of other Prayer Warrior Wives on the Journey to save a marriage!

Is it time to Pray Harder, more Strategically over your Christian Marriage?

Do you need to add a time of Fasting to your Prayers?  Find out How to Fast and Pray in way that Pleases God here

Need someone to pray over you and your Marriage.  Drop a comment below “Please Pray” and I will be lifting you up.

Sharing is Caring!

Tiffany Montgomery

Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children.  Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.

16 thoughts to “How to Find Hope in a Dead Christian Marriage Now”

  1. What a timely topic. In a world where so many turn to divorce – a thing that seems easy but often leads to years of more hurt – this is a great message for those willing to put all things aside but Jesus!

  2. I cannot connect to this article because I choose to not have a Christian marriage, but I’m sure you are providing some wonderful inspiration for others.

  3. Such a great and much needed post. Many Christians think they won’t have trouble in their marriage and are surprised when they do.

  4. I am so sorry for what all you went through but thankful that you continually turned to the Lord and that now you can help others. God’s Word is so powerful. Glad you have gleaned truths from His Word and yes, prayer is so vital too.

    1. There was a time I regreted it all… wished it away… but from the pain was birthed a ministry that is now helping thousands of wives evey month. God has a way doesn’t HE?!

  5. This would be helpful to those who felt that there was still something worth hoping for and saving. being a separated single mom for 2 years now I did try to make it work but it just reached it’s course.

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