Why is he wearing tennis shoes to church? Oh no, not that same ratty old hoody. How embarrassing. These are some of the thoughts that go through my head often and take my mood from peaceful to angry so fast. The Bible says to think about whatever is lovely, however, to keep my peace. How […]
Tag: Take Every Thought Captive
Spiritual Warfare begins in your mind. It is critical that you learn to take every thought captive in the battle for your mind.
Purity in The Bible: How to Fight and WIN
What comes to mind when you hear the word pure? Pure water. Pure air. What about pure thoughts? Purity is a foreign concept today, but the lack of purity robs our joy and steals our peace. Today we will look into purity in the Bible and see how to fight the enemy on this issue. […]
How to Have Peace of Mind No Matter What
It feels like my whole life long I’ve been learning how to have peace of mind. It is a constant battle as anxiety, fear, pride, jealousy, and other sinful things crowd into my thoughts. But over the years, I’ve learned 3 tricks to fight for the peace of mind I long for. I will share […]
10 Strategies to Avoid Communication Breakdown in Marriage
How do you prevent communication breakdown in a relationship? Communication in marriage – even a Christian marriage – can be tricky? As I counsel and mentor wives, I hear this listed as the biggest struggle in their marriage 90% of the time. Hands down, wives doing marriage God’s way long to improve communication. So today […]
6 Tips to Renew a Thriving Empty Nest Marriage
How do you prepare for empty nest syndrome? What effect will becoming an empty nester have on your marriage? I’ve heard countless stories of couples who just barely survive their marriage long enough to see the kids grow up and leave the nest. Many marriages end between year 20 and 25. Raise your hand if […]
How To Effectively Communicate in a Christian Marriage
When did you first realize you would have to work on Communication in a Christian Marriage? Do you remember that moment? The moment you understood that to effectively communicate in this Marriage it would take time, practice, a different strategy and maybe a lot of help from God above. It took years to understand what […]
How to Fight the Lies of the Enemy: I Am Fat and Ugly
What comes to mind when you hear the word beautiful? I imagine a field of wild flowers, my girls running wide armed through them with carefree abandon. Beautiful. Do you believe you are beautiful? Or have you believed the lies the enemy whispers as you stand in the mirror. Fat. Ugly. Unlovable. Our enemy loves to […]
3 Easy Ways to Fight The Enemy For Freedom in Our Thoughts
This is a War Y’all. We are fighting a seasoned enemy. That snake is practiced and rehearsed and has more experience than all of us combined. But I believe Freedom in our Thoughts is not only possible – but Critical. We must fight the enemy! Last month we talked about the 3 Urgent Reasons to […]