6 Astonishing Truth s No one Tells you about Homeschooling. Homeschooling Tips, Homeschooling Curriculum, Homeschooling with Special Needs

6 Astonishing Truth No One Tells You About Homeschooling

Our Homeschool story began with Fear, but it quickly transformed into a love in my life.  To read that Story click Why I love Homeschooling my children.  It is a joy to watch children grow and thrive!  But… There are some things I wish I had known early on.  Some Truth s no one talks about much that would have saved me a lot of Burn Out and Anxiety (Which I struggle with).

6 Astonishing Truth s No one Tells you about Homeschooling. Homeschooling Tips, Homeschooling Curriculum, Homeschooling with Special Needs

6 Astonishing Truth s No one Tells you about Homeschooling. Homeschooling Tips, Homeschooling Curriculum, Homeschooling with Special Needs

We started Homeschooling M in Preschool

A friend had passed down a few books and I set out to make a “schedule” and “teach” my oldest little blessing.  I thought school had to be structured like public school to be successful.  We both got tired of that real fast. 

Homeschooling Truth #1

The beauty of Homeschool is that it can and should look different for every family. 

I found an amazing community of moms at ABCJesusLovesMe.com.  Heidy Franz has also created an accepting and helpful Facebook group (several in fact) that embrace each new mom and encourage her on her journey. 

  • The best part was that it was a Free Curriculum
  • It was Christ-Centered and easy to follow. 

We loved it!  In fact, we still do.  I have 1 little blessing left to get through Preschool.  I can’t thank Heidi and her family enough for all they offer in this setting.  

Homeschool Truth #2 

Curriculum is expensive. 

I remember researching for months and months before preschool ended trying to find a good curriculum and crying because I knew we could not afford it. 

Me and money have never been friends.  I have accepted this fact of life only because I know that God is my great provider.  I simply took our need to Him -almost like a challenge (not sure I recommend that, but God gets me).


Philippians 4:19 God will provide for our needs even Homeschool Needs

“God, if you want us to Homeschool, You will have to provide the curriculum because we can’t afford it.”  

He did

A family at church was cleaning out some old boxes and called to see if I needed any Kindergarten Homeschool curriculum. 

Still praising Him for providing!

It wasn’t what I had researched and hoped for but I was thankful. 

What it did however, was provide me with a structure and an outline to work with.  I  then googled and scoured Pinterest to supplement until I was satisfied with the results.  

I keep Pinterest Boards for each grade I teach and you are welcome to search them to find resources!



1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

Kindergarten was fun! 

We are blessed to live in the day and age of Google and Pinterest.  Why not make it work for our good?!?! 

Homeschool Truth #3

Teaching Multiple Grade levels is Time Consuming!

When M started 1st Grade, A started Preschool and we were in for another bump along our Homeschool Journey.

About 2 weeks into that school year I called for a Mommy Time Out! (Do you ever feel like you need permission to give yourself Grace?)

There was NO WAY I could teach 2 completely different grades each day and not loose my mind!

Homeschool Truth #4

Give Yourself Grace -It is okay to Stop, ask for help and regroup!

I am so blessed to know a few families who have traveled this path before so I began asking them for advise.  It’s funny now that I look back -they each explained the concept of unit studies to me (and they didn’t consult each other first).  I had NO idea what a Unit Study was, but apparently it is the great secret amongst Large Families who Homeschool.

Homeschool Truth #5

Unit Studies Save a lot of Time and Stress when teaching Multiple Grades!

Are you are new to the idea of A Unit Study?  Let me explain it.  Unit Studies mix and mesh different parts of curriculum across subjects to include multiple Grade Levels.

I quickly found that it saves time and helps the school day flow better…  though there is still anxiety…

Homeschooling Truth #6

Teaching a child with Special Needs is probably the Hardest thing I’ve ever done.

A has some Special Needs. It was obvious Homeschooling with Special Needs was going to look very different.

  • The beauty of Homeschool is that it can be customized to meet the needs of each child.

Honestly, there are days I want to Quit!  If I didn’t have a solid community surrounding me and our family we would not be able to do this.

If you are part of that community – Thank You. 

I know I don’t say it enough.  Thank you for the Love and Support.  You make all the difference for us on this journey.

I’ll be sharing more about Homeschooling with a Special Needs Child next week in a guest post I wrote for Proverbial Homemaker’s Homeschooling Successfully Blog party.  Love the Tag line on it “Perfection Not Required” – it could easily be Truth #6!

in HIM,

Tiffany Montgomery

Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children.  Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.

4 thoughts to “6 Astonishing Truth No One Tells You About Homeschooling”

  1. I totally, totally agree! I had so many of the same revelations, but it’s taken a lot of letting go of expectations and embracing God’s grace over my flaws and inabilities. I have a hard time extending grace to myself most of all, but He is so good to me. Great post. Glad I stumbled upon it. Blessings!

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