The Best Way to Grow Your Faith Blog This Year Called to Blog Printable Verse Cards Sq Faith Blog for Christian women Faith Blog Tips Bible Verses for Faith Blog Faith Blog Scripture #GrowYourBlogTraffic Grow your blog fast Goal Setting

Blog Planning Is the Best Way to Grow Your Site This Year

Are you a faith blogger, writer, online influencer, entrepreneur?  Do you hustle week after week, day after day to create and share great content?  Have you been frustrated this year by the lack of traffic, shared, sales, real conversations, ect.? Do you have God-sized dreams and goals for your faith blog but just struggle to find ways to reach those dreams?  Today I will share my secret to Blog Planning that has helped grow Hope Joy in Christ to a thriving community in just a few years.

Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, But everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.

Are you thinking of ways to integrate faith and business? Wishing there was a way to:

  • Make this hobby a paying job to bless your family
  • Relieve some of the financial burdens your family carries
  • And pay the bills that come with this online platform

Have you felt frustrated this year by all the dead ends, last-minute projects, and lack of engagement from your tribe?

You are not alone.

Nearly 80% of all bloggers throw in the towel after just 1 year.  Say What?!?!?!

So, I want to congratulate you for sticking it out and trying to find the right rhythm to make a successful ministry online.

Blog Planning Is the Best Way to Grow Your Site This Year

Why do most Faith blogs fail in the first year? As you well know managing an online platform is a continuous learning curve.  As soon as you think you’ve mastered one area they change it and you are back to square one.

Working online is incredibly isolating.  We lack the encouragement of co-workers helping us celebrate the little wins.  That motivation is what keeps most of us pressing on.

But the main reason I believe most blogs (Online Ministries) fail is a lack of vision and planning.  We end up on a hamster wheel without an escape route to the right path to Plan and Profit online.

We get stuck in the cycle or create a post, share the post, wait and see if the post did anything great.

What we need is a clear vision for our platform.  What we need is a practical, actionable plan and schedule to follow that is genuinely leading us to the Goal (The God-Sized Vision) for our platform.

Need help keeping your Faith focused as you integrate faith and business?

I’d love to give you these printable verse cards that help me!  They are Free below.

How do we Grow our Faith Blog this year?

  • Cast Vision
  • Set Realistic Goals
  • Make an Actionable Profitable Plan
  • Create the Road Map to a Successful Year
  • Set boundaries
  • Clarify our No

What qualifies me to teach you how to grow your Faith Blog this year?

Before being called to quit my career –to become a Stay At Home Homeschooling Mom turned Blogger and Marriage Mentor – I was Administrative Assistant (AA) to several Vice Presidents of highly profitable companies.

As an AA I got to be front and center in Vision Casting Meetings.  Take copious notes of planning sessions.  Watch and assist in creating teams for major projects and help launch new divisions that propelled the companies forward.

Those Goal Setting, Vision Casting and Calendar Planning pieces are what I believe we are missing as Bloggers and I have first-hand experience doing it and teaching others to do it well.

Can we Realistically Apply Business World strategies to a Faith Blog?


Short and sweet right!?!?!  But honestly, I have applied these strategies and have gone from Blogging Newbie with a Dream to a Blog Coach in just 2 years.

  • My site traffic averages 25K on most months.
  • The following on Social Media has been exploding – especially Pinterest and Facebook where I focus most.
  • My email list has gone from 25 sweet friends and family to 5000 this month!

To top that off I’ve been coaching others this year to help them reach their God-sized Faith Blog Goals using these same methods!

Lee Felix of LikeMindedMusings and I teamed up this month to put those Strategies into a Course for you to use as you Plan out a Successful Next year for your Faith Blog!

The Best Way to Grow Your Faith Blog This Year PinIt Called to Blog Printable Verse Cards Sq Faith Blog for Christian women Faith Blog Tips Bible Verses for Faith Blog Faith Blog Scripture #GrowYourBlogTraffic Grow your blog fast Goal Setting

How to Set and Reach your Faith Blog Goals this Year by Blog Planning- The Self Paced E-Course

This 6 Part Video and workbook styled course will teach you The Best Way to Grow Your Faith Blog This Year.

how to do all that all the while covering your Blog/Business with prayer.

What’s inside the Course?

  • Part 1 – Learn how to Dream God-Sized Dreams for your Blog and Online Business
    • Are your dreams so Big God has to show up? 
    • Inviting God to cast the vision for your Ministry, asking Him to lead you in the right direction and show you the areas He wants to grow in the coming Year.
  • Part 2 – Look back at the big picture of the past year to honestly evaluate how you did.
    • You don’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you have been.
    • Be honest about the things you loved and hated in your Business last year.
  • Part 3 – Look back and the real numbers to honestly evaluate where you are and Plan ways to grow.
    • We often estimate but we need to know the real numbers to see growth.
    • Learn how to track Google Analytics.
    • Measure your Lead Magnets.
    • Map out the real numbers from your social media platform.
  • Part 4 – Map out the God-sized Vision
    • Go beyond just visualizing it – put it on the calendar.
    • Write out the big goals.
    • Chart out the Big projects.
    • Line up holidays and projects to be realistic with your time.
  • Part 5 – Plan each Big Project Out working backward to make sure you can reach your goal and succeed.
    • When you work backward – detail by detail – you can pad in enough white space and grace space to actually reach your goals!
    • Learn you to break Big Projects into manageable, schedulable pieces to reach your Goals this Year!
  • Part 6 – Set Boundaries around your business and learn why and how to say No 
    • If we don’t set realistic Boundaries around our blog, ministry, and online business we will become overwhelmed, fall behind and fail. 
    • Saying No is a powerful tool in our strategy to reach our God-sized Faith blog and business Goals this year!  Learn How to do it well!

Come check out the Course here: How to Set and Reach your Faith Blog Goals this Year- The Self Paced E-Course

I can’t wait to see you inside!

in HIM,

**How do you plan a blog post?  How do you write a blog post fast?  Blog planning worksheets, planning a blog strategy, blog planning template, blog planner, how to research for a blog post, blog content planner template, create blog and editorial planner, how to write blog posts faster, how to share your blog, blog planning worksheets, blog content ideas, blog planner***

Tiffany Montgomery

Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children.  Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.

19 thoughts to “Blog Planning Is the Best Way to Grow Your Site This Year”

  1. Your course sounds like something that I really need. I am a faith blogger of just over a year. I almost quit a couple times, but believe that this is what the Holy Spirit wants me to do, plus I really like writing (something I didn’t realize until I started my blog!) I am not working my blog for income, but I really want to reach more people. My goal is to reach Christian parents and grandparents with ideas for incorporating Jesus into their children’s everyday lives, and not just on Sunday, and/or maybe Wednesday! I trust that God’s timing is perfect, but I (being human) am a bit frustrated! Would this course be good for me, or is it more for people who want to make an income?

    1. The course will help you! It is about really seeking God’s vision for your online ministry. I teach how to set realistic goals and reach them whatever they are… getting the word out, growing traffic, monetizing, growing your network… Whatever the vision is God has given you 😉 It will work for you and give you a step by step plan to make it happen.

  2. Hey, thanks for sharing this. I’ve actually been researching this exact thing most of the day. So glad you shared this post!

  3. Sounds like a great course! I quite my senior account sales position that required lots of business planning and execution. I try to remind myself to use those skill with my blog too. Even thought the worlds are vastly different there is still crossover.

  4. We definitely need to spend time before the Lord asking Him what direction our faith blog should go, and then follow His lead. Forming a plan is really good in accomplishing goals, too.

  5. These are great tips for faith bloggers. I’ll have to pin this post to my faith board.

  6. I am not a planner. I recently found out that is a strong trait of my personality type. So this kind of thing is not my forte. I don’t know what my goals for my blog are, so I guess that is where I should start. I am a firm believer in seeking God’s direction, but I also know that He expects us to do our part and think about the future and set some goals and ask Him what His goals are for us to accomplish. I think your course would help me.

  7. Great stuff Tiffany! I am going into my third year of faith blogging and it is like any other business you have to be motivated, patient and like you said….Make a plan and cast your vision!

  8. Interesting that 80% throw in the towel… can be frustrating at times for all of us, faith bloggers or not! I love the tips and principles you shared.

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