The mission of Hope Joy In Christ is to equip Believers to grow and mature in faith. One easy way to grow in faith is to spend time reading good books about faith and family. To that end, I wanted to share some amazing books I found this year! This is my top 15 books to grow your faith next year!
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15+ Books To Grow Your Faith
We all long to grow in faith. What are we doing about it, however?
A quiet time each morning, just me, God, and the Bible, is the best way to grow. Books are another way to intentionally press into the Lord.
As an avid reader, I worked to narrow this list down to 10 books to grow your faith, but I still ended up with 15… possibly 16.
Don’t feel overwhelmed. Pick a topic of interest and make a plan to read one book. It will help you mature in your faith this coming year!
Discover the Top 15 Books To Grow In Faith Next Year! Share on XDisclaimer: Sin and Theological Grace
Before you read my review of each book I should warn you of something important. I don’t throw out everything someone did for the Lord when they fall. If you notice an author who you feel is questionable, ask yourself this question, are you perfect?
Was anyone in the Bible perfect, outside of Jesus?
We would not have a Bible if the authors had to be sinless, perfect people. Moses sinned. David Sinned. Paul sinned. Those authors alone contributed to the majority of our Scriptures.
So when someone I admire falls into sin and the Church casts them out… I don’t discard everything they ever wrote, sang, or said. God restores, renews, and uses flawed, sinful people to share His truth.
Theological Differences
Having said that, if they differ in theology on a point I will note that… but even then I don’t throw them out. We all probably disagree about many things in the faith, but that doesn’t mean everything someone says is false.
Okay, that’s my disclaimer. Grace and discernment should always be our way of encountering those who share God’s Word with us.
Non-Fiction Books To Grow Your Faith
As a young adult, I loved fiction and had to be intentional in reading non-fiction. Now I find that the non-fiction stack by my bedside is far higher.
These books each helped me grow this past year and I pray they inspire you!
Afraid Of All the Things by Scarlet Hiltibidal
As a person who battles anxiety, I was intrigued by the title of this book. Ms. Hiltibidal has a fun, quirky style that made this a book I could not put down! The book is filled with personal stories and Biblical insight. She portrays a grace-filled life where your anxiety doesn’t define you AND you are not shamed by the diagnosis. If you battle fear and anxiety this will encourage and equip you.
The Bait of Satan by John Bavere
John Bavere is an incredible speaker and Bible teacher, with whom I do not agree theologically 100%, but this book was amazing. There was one paragraph in the last chapter that implied you could lose your salvation (which I disagree with), but overall, Mr. Bavere’s teaching about forgiveness and offense was exactly what I needed to hear.
He challenges the reader to consider how often and how easily they are offended. Then he suggests most offenses should be laid at the feet of Jesus, allowing love to cover a multitude of sins. It was hard-hitting and fast-paced. A good read (but use discretion where his theology differs).
Check it out on Amazon! or listen for free on their App MessengerX.
When the Soul Listens by Jan Johnson
This book came as a surprise from a good friend who thought I would connect with Ms. Johnson’s style of prayer. In the book she describes a way of praying that is less about lists and agendas and more about talking with the Lord relationally.
This is a must-read for anyone longing to grow their prayer life!
The Power of Prayer and the Prayer of Power by R. A. Torrey
This book surprised me. My prayer partner passed it on to me to read first, and when I saw it was written well over 100 years ago I was not excited. However, when I opened the pages I found that the issues plaguing Mr. Torrey were the same as the ones we face today! Shocked!
His approach to prayer was revolutionary at the time and has been lost. We need to pray this way! He speaks to a holy lifestyle which is a concept we do not focus on in Western culture but desperately need. I was inspired to pray specifically and intentionally through his writing!
It’s Not Business, It’s Personal by Bob Sorge
Life in the church and especially in ministry can easily slip into a business mentality. We can fixate on numbers and results and forget that Jesus came to change lives and souls.
How do you measure soul change? This was a thin book that had a deep impact on my heart. The numbers can’t be our focus in faith, they were not Jesus’ focus! I highly recommend this to anyone serving in ministry whether you volunteer or are paid, this will help your focus!
When Sings My Soul by Robert J. Morgan
Last year I was privileged to lead and teach the history of a hymn each Wednesday evening at church. What a fun! This book was selected to guide me and I absolutely fell in love with it. In fact, a friend gifted me the next one in the series, I talked about it so much!
If you enjoy personal stories of faith and a bit of church history, this book is for you. There were familiar hymns, but also hymns I had never heard of. Each turn of the page was an adventure into the fathers and mothers of our faith. This is a great read. I plan to use it in our homeschool this coming year.
Talking with Your Kids about God: 30 Conversations Every Christian Parent Must Have by Natasha Crain
I debated putting this book in the parenting section for the year, but honestly, I’ve enjoyed it as much as the kids. Natasha Crain teaches apologetics in a way I can follow and this book was written on about a 6-8th grade level. It is specifically designed to read alongside an adolescent to help teach them to defend their faith.
We have taken a chapter a week and read and discussed each topic. There are discussion questions and suggestions for going deeper. This has helped grow my faith and my confidence in defending my faith as much as it has helped me have hard conversations with my kids.
Non-Fiction Books To Grow Your Faith: Biography
Biographies are amazing to catch a glimpse of what the Lord has done in the life of another believer. Through biographies, we are inspired and motivated to take the next right step with the Lord.
If you don’t currently read a biography from time to time you should consider starting. These are good ones to choose from!
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
This book has been a favorite of mine for decades and this year it was a part of my oldest English reading. What a treat to read it together with her and watch with joy as she met Ms. Ten Boom for the first time.
The Hiding Place is a biography of a faithful young woman set amidst the World Wars. As this woman’s family helps the Jews hide, putting their lives in danger daily, you are filled with a sense of awe and wonder. Knowing that she is telling the story as an older woman who survived and still longs to reach those hurting souls for Jesus inspires us all!
The Practice of The Presence of God (Conversations and Letters of Nicholas Herman of Lorraine, Brother Lawrence)
This little book is jam-packed with inspirational stories of the life of Brother Lawrence. While some of the theology is questionable, his faith is undeniable. Brother Lawrence committed to live a life where everything he did was done to glorify God, whether teaching others or scrubbing floors. It opened my eyes to a new way of looking at the mundane tasks in life. This biography will inspire your prayer life!
Non-Fiction Parenting Books To Grow Your Faith
Full disclosure, I have no idea what I am doing as a parent. Each day I lay my children at Jesus’ feet and ask Him to guide me as I raise them. When He puts a resource in my hands I hungrily devour it and try to implement what it teaches.
Whenever I find a book that is theologically sound and filled with practical tools I share it (usually on social media).
How To Really Love Your Child by D. Ross Campbell, MD
This book was worth every second of the read (which was short). Dr. Campbell teaches a method of parenting that is unique. He lays out ways to show love to your kids who are gentle and kind, like Jesus. I was encouraged to shift in several ways through his advice. I highly recommend this book to parents. His book on Angry Teens is next on my list!
You Can’t Make Me [But I Can Be Persuaded] by Cynthia Tobias
I encountered Ms. Tobias at a homeschool conference this Spring and related to her story so well. Her book sounded like a perfect match for our strong-willed child. Each chapter in the book was packed with practical advice and real-life examples from every walk of life. This is a must-read for anyone raising an independent strong-willed child.
Fiction Books To Grow Your Faith
Non-fiction tends to hit me as teaching or preaching which is often what I need to grow in specific areas. Fiction however, engages all the senses, takes you on an adventure and leaves you forever changed.
These books impacted my life deeply this year and I hope you will check them out.
Safely Home by Randy Alcorn
Safely Home is a work of fiction loosely based on stories from the persecuted church in Asia. This story stirred awake an awareness of our brothers and sisters around the world who worship Jesus at risk of their lives. It reminded me to pray for them and support those who are called to go and spread the gospel to them wherever they are.
Love’s Sacred Song by Mesu Andrews
I found this series by Ms. Andrews by accident but quickly fell in love with her writing style and her love of Biblical history. She deeply researches the culture and time periods surrounding the heroes of our faith in the Old Testament.
Love’s Sacred Stong is written about Solomon and the Shulamite bride based on the Song of Solomon. It portrayed daily life and culture in a way that made the Scripture come to life! I LOVED This book so much that I read the entire series!
Love Amid the Ashes by Mesu Andrews
This book in the series portrayed Job’s life with compassion and clarity. Ms. Andrews linked stories and names together, which run together and get confusing in the Scriptures. She also helped portray a faith in Job that inspired his community. The story highlights a young woman in ways that brought healing and hope to my heart. I recommend reading it alongside your study of the book of Job.
Youth Fiction Books To Grow Your Faith
Most of my reading tends to be to find good faith-building books for my kiddos. That is how I stumbled upon Bryan Davis. He has a flair for the dramatic in this fantasy fiction series Dragons In Our Midst.
The Candle-Stone by Bryan Davis
In the series, we meet fanciful characters on a mission to shine the light of God and defeat the darkness. The stories are fast-paced and fun. I loved them and found them just right for my middle school boy and girl! That’s a feat to be celebrated as it is a challenge to find books that engage pre-teen and teen boys.
I highly recommend the entire series, but book 2 was my favorite.
Which of These 15 Books to Grow Your Faith Will You Pick?
These books inspired me and motivated growth. Which will you choose?
- Afraid Of All the Things
- The Bait of Satan
- When the Soul Listens
- The Power of Prayer and the Prayer of Power
- It’s Not Business, It’s Personal
- When Sings My Soul
- Talking with Your Kids about God
- The Hiding Place
- The Practice of The Presence of God
- How To Really Love Your Child
- You Can’t Make Me [But I Can Be Persuaded]
- Safely Home
- Love’s Sacred Song
- Love Amid the Ashes
- The Candle-Stone
I hope you will enjoy these books to grow your faith as much as I did this year!
in HIS love,
Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ inspires Christian Women to grow in faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles and raise Godly Children. Join the Wives Only Facebook Group here or keep up with her through Pinterest.
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