When couples struggle with communication, the relationship suffers. There are 11 common barriers to communication in marriage (and 6 that are not talked about but are critical!). Not only are they common, but they are also simple to correct! Yeah!!!!!!! What Are Barriers To Communication? When I talk about barriers to communication in marriage there […]
Tag: Serving
Serving others is a spiritual discipline that comes when we abide in Christ. Make serving a habit with your children and and in Marriage.
8 Ways To Abide in Christ and Fight Spiritual Dryness
Do you truly know how to abide in Christ? How long have you been saved? It’s been 30+ years for me. There are seasons when I feel dry and far from God. I used to think that Spiritually dry seasons were a normal part of Christianity. Inevitable. You just ride it out and wait for […]
How To Avoid the Death Of Support in the Church
We are a Burger King Nation – always wanting it our way. When I say “we” I mean “I” always want it my way. I pursue my preferences more than I seek after God’s will and it is the Death of Support in the Church. This series on Praying and Fasting for our Church has […]