The Lord has done great things for us… we believe that even when we don’t feel it… Do you find yourself in the midst of a hard season? It feels like our family has been fighting through a cycle of challenging trials with no end in sight for years. How do we hold onto hope […]
Tag: Rejoice
When we Rejoice in the Lord and rejoice in the blessings of life we find Hope and Joy even in the most difficult situations.
5 Ways to Handle Mistakes in Marriage With Love and Grace
Can we be honest with each other? As a godly wife, in a Christian marriage, there are days I struggle with love and respect and forgiveness. We both make mistakes in marriage. There are seasons when those mistakes threaten to take us down hard. Today we will look closely at a phrase in 1 Corinthians […]
How to Have Joy in Every Trial and Please God
How can you have joy in the Lord regardless of your circumstances? What is the trial you are in the midst of today? Is it something big enough to steal your joy and leave you without hope? When difficult seasons strike – hard times washing over my life like a storm – I ask God […]