Are there parts of the Bible you read and think, ‘That sounds nice but how do you live that way for real?’ 1 Corinthians 13 is one of those passages for me. Love is patient, God says but how do you show patience in marriage when marriage is hard? Why Patience in Marriage is Important […]
12 Bible Verses About Being Still: Root Word Raphah
What does it mean to be still? Learning to be still and know God more is the goal of our 40-day fast. In these 40 days we will read Bible verses about being still. We will dig into the meaning of the words as we pray, and ask God to rest our hearts. Why We […]
How To Wait on The Lord in Trials: Psalm 37
Waiting is not fun or easy. It stretches us, challenges us, and hurts at times. When we are waiting on the Lord, that stretching adds a different layer of hardness to the task of waiting. I want to learn how to wait on the Lord correctly. Or at least wait on Him without messing things […]
How to Create a Prayer Strategy That Will Change Every Thing
Do you struggle with prayer? I did for years. If you’ve been walking with Jesus for two seconds you know that the Bible says we should pray – pray without ceasing, pray about everything. Knowing the Bible says to pray and actually feeling like you pray well – or that God answers your prayers -is […]

50+ Convincing Bible Verses About God’s Love You Need To Know
For years I struggled to feel loved or lovable. There are days that feed the fear and insecurity in my life, like Valentine’s Day! What is a Christian woman to do when she feels unloved? Is love important? In my search, I began to wonder about the great love of God. What does God say […]
Sex In a Christian Marriage: The Uncomfortable Truth
Sex in a Christian marriage is a very uncomfortable subject. Why is it so difficult to talk about something that was created by God and is completely amazing? Sin. The enemy has hijacked this beautiful gift from God and twisted it so much that we can’t even talk about it. No more. Today we will […]
1 Corinthians 13 Love: Free Bible Study On Love In Marriage
I can still remember the day the Lord showed me I was not loving my husband HIS way. At the time, I was sure he was the problem and there was no solution. Then I began to study 1 Corinthians 13 love. Talk about shocking and life-changing. This free marriage Bible study unit will dig […]
40 Day Fasting and Prayer Guide: Be Still and Know God More
Will you come with me on a journey, a 40 day fasting and prayer, a journey to be still and know God more? This article will serve as the 40 day fast guide to help you get started. Do you struggle to be still in the midst of this chaotic life? I mean, life is […]
How to Have Hope While Waiting on God
God answers prayer… just not often in our timeframe. This past year has been filled with lessons reminding me of this truth. God’s timing is hard to understand. I am waiting on God to answer prayers – many prayers. And in the waiting, He is teaching me how to wait on Him and grow no […]
How to Effectively Pray a Proverbs 31 Prayer to Change Your Life
The Proverbs 31 Woman is one I would rather skip. If you had told me 10 years ago that we would be talking about how to craft a Proverbs 31 Prayer I would have laughed at you but that is exactly what we will do today. Today we will look at 4 characteristics of a Proverbs […]